Pennsylvania Dems Are Taking The Gloves Off In Senate Primary

Category: AR PAC

Hillary Clinton unveiled her energy “plan” today in Iowa, and the reviews are in: nobody likes it. Critics, particularly those on the left, were left wanting: [Read more…]

“On Monday the Democratic presidential front-runner announced the details of her initiative to tackle climate change, calling it ‘one of the most urgent threats of our time.’

But shortly afterward, a videographer working with the conservative America Rising PAC spotted her at the private air terminal in Des Moines.

FIfteen seconds of video shot just after 12:00 noon, local time, shows Clinton walking up the plane’s stairs while an aide hodls a giant black umbrella over her head to sheld her from falling rain.

‘Despite her campaign’s best efforts to rebrand her as a down-to-earth fighter for “everyday Americans,” Hillary Clinton’s jet-setting ways are just further confirmation that she’s out of touch with the American people,’ the group’s communications driector Jeff Bechdel told

‘It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy.’”

Read the full article from the Daily Mail here. 

Today, Hillary Clinton once again dodged when she was asked for specifics on two important topics: the Keystone Pipeline and how she’s pay for her costly new climate change scheme.

Clinton, who has spent the last two years avoiding Keystone pipeline question, dodged when she was asked whether she supports or opposes construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. However, Clinton, who said the pipeline’s environmental impact would be important tout the process she put in place to review the pipeline, which found that Keystone would not have “significant impacts” on the environment. Does this mean we assume that Clinton supports Keystone? Supporting the pipeline would align Clinton with her donors and consultants.

Later in the press conference, Clinton failed to explain to reporters how she would pay for her energy plan:

Clinton says the “public deserves to know” what her plan will cost and that she is a fan of “arithmetic,” but she won’t provide a single cost number. Looks like Clinton will continue to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge any question that may call for specificity on her policies.

This morning MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough spent 6 minutes fact checking Hillary Clinton’s March 2015 press conference at the United Nations on her use of a private email account while she was Secretary of State.

Clinton claimed she did not send classified material on her private email sever, Scarborough said this has now been proven false.

Clinton claimed she provided all of her emails “that could possibly be work related which totaled roughly 55,000 printed pages” even though she knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them. Scarborough found this to be false too.

Clinton claimed she wanted to use only one device for convenience purposes. Once again, Scarborough found her claim to be false.

It would seem that as more time passes, the more and more inaccurate Clinton’s claims become. It’s no wonder the American public doesn’t trust Clinton.

This evening, Clinton rolled out her new energy policy. Her newly released proposal is, as we have come to expect, lacking: [Read more…]

This week, Hillary Clinton hoped to steer the conversation away from the persistent controversies dogging her presidential campaign by unveiling more of her economic agenda. Well, it didn’t work. Terrible new swing state poll numbers and a potential investigation by the Department of Justice into the handling of sensitive material on Clinton’s private email server led much of the news this morning. Check out the rundown below:

MSNBC’s Kristen Welker said Clinton’s use of a private email account continues to be a big political problem for her campaign and new questions overshadow anytime she wants to talk about her policy proposals.


Fox News’ Ed Henry reported there are new signs that more political and even legal problems could be coming for Clinton’s campaign.


CNN’s John King called Clinton’s high unfavorable ratings in key swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia released earlier this week “troubling.” King also noted that the core of voters’ questions in these states is her honesty, which was only further fueled by news of the potential DOJ investigation.


A new NBC/Marist poll release this morning offered more bad news for Team Clinton, as it showed Clinton’s favorability rating dropping dramatically to just 37% among voters in New Hampshire and Iowa. On NBC’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd said the “dismal” numbers confirm a negative trend for her campaign.


MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki also highlighted the new poll, saying Clinton’s unfavorable ratings of 56% in Iowa and 57% in New Hampshire is “real story.”


Hillary For America CFO Gary Gensler spoke with Steve Kornacki this morning about… well, not much. [Read more…]

This afternoon two of Hillary Clinton’s top communications advisors struggled to explain the potential Justice Department investigation into Hillary Clinton possibly sending and receiving classified emails on her private server.

First, Clinton’s Communication Director Karen Finney got defensive when speaking to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin. Then Clinton’s Press Secretary Brian Fallon struggled to discuss the investigation with MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin.

This isn’t the first time that Clinton’s top staffers dodged questions on Hillary’s behalf. In June both Fallon and Finney grappled to explain Clinton’s position on TPP.

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal peeked under the hood of the Ohio Democrats operations, and what they found wasn’t pretty. Democrats lost every statewide seat in 2014 because of a failure “to develop a strong corps of local officeholders and the campaign machinery to support them,” according to the report. [Read more…]

This morning, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton is endorsing the “Fight For $15” movement in New York state for fast food workers.

This marks the third position Clinton has taken on the $15 minimum wage in recent weeks. [Read more…]