High Ranking House Democrat Admits Democrats Cut Medicare By Nearly A Trillion Dollars

Category: AR PAC

In an interview yesterday with NH1, Clinton expressed her doubts about the Obama administration’s plan to allow drilling in the Arctic:

These comments come after Clinton came under fire from climate activists for failing to take a position on the Keystone pipeline.

These new claims also contradict Clinton’s position as Secretary of State, when she said the U.S. will “claim what is ours” with regards to Arctic oil and gas fields and said that we would pursue new Arctic oil and gas reserves “in a smart, sustainable way.”

Clinton’s flip-flop on drilling in the Arctic is just another example that she will say or do anything to get elected president.

The contested Democrat primary for Iowa’s 1st District continues to escalate. First, Ravi Patel left the race after a series of negative stories. Then, Pat Murphy had a bad campaign launch.

Now, Politico is reporting that EMILY’s List is planning to attack Murphy for his past opposition to abortion. This race continues to go further and further to the left with a weak field of two Democrat candidates who lost their 2014 campaigns and “unapologetic, lifelong progressive” Gary Kroeger.

After a day of bruising headlines about her dodging questions about the Keystone XL pipeline, Hillary Clinton literally got the red carpet treatment as she boarded her private jet departing New Hampshire this afternoon. [Read more…]

“Clinton set out renewable energy goals during a climate change speech in Iowa, but she’s been panned by Republicans for flying a private jet back from the speech. The Republican-leaning opposition group America Rising has circulated a video of her boarding the jet, which was first reported on by the Daily Mail. That plane burns 347 gallons of fuel per hour, according to the Daily Mail.

“Despite her campaign’s best efforts to rebrand her as a down-to-earth fighter for ‘everyday Americans,’ Hillary Clinton’s jet-setting ways are just further confirmation that she’s out of touch with the American people,” Jeff Bechdel, the communications director for America Rising, said in a statement with the release of the video.

“It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy.”

The group also rounded up media coverage panning Clinton for not providing enough specifics and for dodging the Keystone XL pipeline.”

Read the full article from The Hill here. 

“The Daily Mail posted video on Monday night of Clinton boarding a private jet in Des Moines, Iowa. The video was provided to the outlet by America Rising, a Republican opposition research group that plans to target Clinton throughout the campaign.

“It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy,” said Jeff Bechdel, America Rising communications director, about the video.”

Click here to read the full article from CNN. 

After dodging a press question in Iowa yesterday about whether she supported approval of the Keystone pipeline, today in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton again refused to answer a simple question of “yes or no” as to whether she would approve Keystone.

On Tuesday, Conway released two ads titled “Fiscal” and “Coal.” Let’s fact check them quickly:


CONWAY: In the “Fiscal” ad, Conway states, “As Governor, I’ll hold the line on taxes, and I’ll continue to be responsible with the budget.”

REALITY: Ronnie Ellis of The Glasgow Times said Conway had quite a list of economic priorities but no plan to pay for it all except for “vague prescriptions.”

Maybe trial lawyer Jack Conway just doesn’t understand economic policy. Here’s an explanation from the Lexington Herald-Leader’s Jack Brammer on Conway’s position(s) regarding the Bush Tax Cuts:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9d0L4WforQ?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]


CONWAY: In the “Coal” ad, Conway states, “A lot of politicians talk about protecting coal, but I’ll stand up to anybody to keep people working here.”

REALITY: Conway has been desperately trying to convince people that he has stood up to President Obama on coal, but if that is true, why did he serve as a delegate for President Obama in both 2008 and 2012, when dismantling coal has been part of the President’s platform? Furthermore, Conway has received campaign support from The Sierra Club, a leading anti-coal activist group seeking to shut down one third of American coal plants.

Not surprising that Louisville trial attorney Jack Conway has trouble keeping the facts straight.

As Democrats attempt to make a dent in the GOP’s historic House majority, they are finding themselves in quite the pickle.

On the heels of Ross Miller’s decision not to run in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional district, Democratic leaders are trying to cope with the lack of challengers to Republicans across the country, the weak bench of Democrats running in must-win districts, and crowded primaries spanning districts from east to west.

What’s stopping these Democratic recruits from running? Maybe it’s what Democratic leaders, reporters, and pundits are saying:

Israel, July 2015: “It’s going to be hard for us to win the majority.”

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, January 2015: Hoyer said he wouldn’t bet “a whole lot of money” on Democrats winning the majority in 2016.

National Journal: “The party needs to pick up 30 seats in 2016 to wrest the majority from the Republicans. But just months into the cycle, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee appears to be writing off races that it would need to win to get there.”

Political commentator Stuart Rothenberg: “No, I’m not suggesting Democrats will win the House in 2016. Far from it. Right now, you’d need a magnifying glass, probably even a microscope, to find the party’s chances of taking control.”

With such pessimistic predictions about reclaiming a House majority, it’s no wonder Democrats nationwide are opting to do something better and more productive with their lives.

Annette Taddeo wants to be the Congresswoman in Florida’s 26th Congressional district, but unfortunately doesn’t actually live there. When she announced her candidacy, Taddeo said she planned to move into the district and said:

“I really am committed to this. And I’m not going to let the drawing of lines get in the way.”

According to Zillow, Taddeo’s 4,940 square foot mansion is currently off the market. At an event last Saturday, Taddeo was asked if she will sell her mansion and move into the district, but refused to answer the question.

Yesterday, an America Rising tracker caught Hillary Clinton boarding her private jet at the Des Moines airport.

Clinton had just wrapped up a speech in which she implored Americans to do their part to cut energy consumption. As the Daily Mail reported, this particular jet uses 347 gallons of fuel every hour. [Read more…]