After Supporting Gun Rights In 2008, Clinton Takes Hard Left Turn On Gun Control

Category: AR PAC

Nancy Rotering, the Democratic mayor who has launched a primary bid against former Rep. Brad Schneider, has again found her campaign finances the subject of questionable headlines. [Read more…]

After cussing up a storm at 2009’s Fancy Farm, Jack Conway, Democrat candidate for Kentucky Governor, played it safe as the crowd erupts in ‘Boring’ chant.

It pays to be the former secretary of state running for president. Despite claiming to be ‘dead broke’ and lamenting that they ‘gotta pay’ their bills, the Clintons have long since surpassed the lifestyle of everyday Americans. [Read more…]

What is going on with Senator Russ Feingold? Earlier this week, he had the Democrat Party Chairwoman in Wisconsin telling volunteers to call him “Russ” and to drop any reference to his time in the U.S. Senate (for reference, Senator Feingold spent 18 years in Washington, DC). [Read more…]

Today’s morning shows were dominated yet again by Hillary Clinton’s poor poll numbers, private email sever, and questionable Clinton Foundation dealings.

As MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski pointed out, these are Hillary Clinton’s worst favorability ratings, ever, in a Quinnipiac poll.

Yesterday McClatchy reported that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had classified emails from five different intelligence agency on it.

Joe Scarborough said about the McClatchy story, “I say it makes us tired. I mean it makes us tired that we have to go back to the United Nations press conference and you hate to say this she just didn’t tell the truth time and time and time and time again. And when we were watching it, we were cringing.”

CBS This Morning highlighted the ongoing troubles the State Department is having releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails:

Nancy Cordes reported, “We learned this week that the State Department isn’t just struggling to make Clinton’s e-mails public it’s also struggling to get ahold of some e-mails that her top aides sent during her tenure as Secretary of State.” And according to a federal judge, the State Department hasn’t been anywhere near aggressive enough in releasing the former-Secretary’s emails.

In response to The Wall Street Journal’s report that, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton took the “unusual” step of intervening on behalf of Swiss bank UBS to help it avoid scrutiny from the IRS, the National Journal’s Ron Fournier said, “We have a population that is fed up with politics, and why? We have Hillary Clinton hiding God knows what on the emails that she covertly hid and deleted.”

A local Maine news station, WABI 5, asked its viewers if they thought Joe Baldacci should run for Congress.

Sixty-nine percent said that they do not want to see Baldacci run for Congress.

While Baldacci running might be Emily’s Cain’s worst fear, it also looks like its Maine voters’ worst fear.

Today in Miami, Hillary Clinton is calling for the Cuban embargo to be lifted. But it wasn’t that long ago that Clinton stood with President Bush and strongly advocated FOR the embargo: [Read more…]

America Rising and Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the national pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, released a new joint research report today highlighting Hillary Clinton’s longstanding relationship with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider that is mired in controversy. [Read more…]

Pennsylvania establishment Democrats are up in arms over Congressman Joe Sestak’s Senate candidacy.

Philadelphia Democrat Congressman Bob Brady went on WHYY radio today and was asked, “What’s your problem with Joe Sestak?” What follows is a four-plus minute rant about past endorsements, incumbent challenges, loyalty, and selfishness. [Read more…]

Today at a press conference in Maryland, Hillary Clinton told a reporter she felt comfortable commenting on the Trans-Pacific Partnership while not commenting on Keystone because she never worked on TPP:

This is a flat out lie! Not only did Clinton call TPP “the gold standard in trade agreements,” before avoiding taking a position during her presidential campaign, but she pushed for the agreement at least 45 times, as CNN reported in June.

Clinton’s decision to re-write history on her work on trade, as well as her excuse to take no position on the Keystone pipeline, provide more evidence that she will say or do anything to get elected.