America Rising PAC Launches Interactive Quiz Highlighting Hassan’s Tax Hikes

Category: AR PAC

According to an NBC/WSJ poll released tonight 48 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton, opposed to only 37 percent who have a favorable view of Clinton, which represents a 15 point drop since June.


Charlie Crist purchased a beachfront home in St. Petersburg, Florida in preparation for his third failed campaign in the last six years. The house was listed for $995,000 as of November 2014. [Read more…]

Democrat Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth is heading to court tomorrow to hash out the details of her upcoming whistleblower trial.

In 2009, Duckworth, then working for disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, was involved in a wrongful termination case at the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. [Read more…]

In a speech trying to pitch himself to Iowa voters, former “comedian” Gary Kroeger thought it would be effective to tout his lack of experience while simultaneously comparing himself to a failed and unpopular Iowa politician – Bruce Braley: [Read more…]

Jack Conway probably woke up with a case of the Mondays today. The EPA released new rules regulating emissions, which will negatively affect Kentucky’s coal industry. [Read more…]

On Saturday, The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd reported that friends and family of Joe Biden are evaluating a possible challenge to Hillary Clinton. [Read more…]

It’s no secret that Ted Strickland considers himself to be the inevitable Democratic nominee to challenge U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, but what continues to rankle everyone from voters to editorial boards is the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP)’s determination to “squelch” Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld’s primary candidacy. [Read more…]

Since early 2014, Hillary Clinton has struggled to name an accomplishment from her time as Secretary of State. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, Clinton had no answer when asked about the “marquee achievement” of her tenure: [Read more…]

This weekend, President Obama released details about a new set of regulations that will cost Americans jobs and hike electricity rates.

The Associated Press’s “winners and losers” list labeled “your power bill” as a loser as a result of these new burdensome regulations: [Read more…]

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released two ads and announced it would begin a five-week, $2 million ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire. [Read more…]