WMUR: Pro-GOP super PAC quickly up with ‘Maggie Hassan Tax Quiz’ site

Category: AR PAC

Last night the Washington Post reported that the FBI was investigating the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The story led to wall-to-wall coverage on today’s morning news shows. Check out the rundown below:

CNN’s New Day:

CNN’s Inside Politics:

CBS’s This Morning:

NBC’s Today Show:

ABC’s Good Morning America:

CNN’s Newsroom:

Tonight, The Washington Post reported that the FBI is looking into the security of Hillary Clinton’s private server. MSNBC broke the news on TV:


A WMUR Granite State poll released tonight shows that Hillary Clinton’s once seemingly insurmountable lead in New Hampshire has been whittled down to just 6 points. Clinton leads Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 42 percent to 36 percent.

Hillary Clinton is back in Colorado. The last time she was in the Centennial State in July 2014, Coloradans reported a middling opinion of her: 48 percent had a favorable view of her, 48 percent had an unfavorable view. [Read more…]

It would seem that Hillary Clinton’s suspicious $2 million ad buy in New Hampshire and Iowa was a preemptive strike by her campaign to combat recent poor polling, especially among Clinton’s base of white women. [Read more…]

Today, in an announcement that confirmed she puts what’s best for her ahead of what’s best for Pennsylvania, Katie McGinty announced she is running for Senate. [Read more…]

As speculation – which has been sounding a whole lot like excitement from many Democrats – runs rampant about a potential Joe Biden run, press and pundits have been working overtime to analyze what a Biden candidacy would look like. [Read more…]

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released yesterday shows that Hillary Clinton’s favorability has dropped 15 points in the past month, an all time low for the former the Secretary of State. [Read more…]

Democrats have been struggling to find a candidate to run in Arizona’s 1st Congressional district after Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick launched her Senate campaign. Faced with a weak bench of potential candidates, Democrats have opened up the Florida playbook and will be depending on a Charlie Crist-like candidate. [Read more…]

Nancy Pelosi’s anointed candidate, Emily Cain, continues to see her fortunes increasingly jeopardized by the day following Joe Baldacci’s decision to challenge her in the Democratic primary. [Read more…]