Hassan Lurches Left, Goes Negative In Botched Senate Launch

Category: AR PAC

Katie McGinty, national Democrats’ new favorite candidate in the Pennsylvania Senate race, donated $1,000 to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane in 2012. [Read more…]

The Iowa AFL-CIO is hosting one of the first Democratic presidential candidate forums in the Hawkeye State today, and every Democrat running for the nomination is attending, except one:

Mrs. Clinton will skip another union event, the Iowa Federation of Labor, which is holding its annual convention in Altoona this week. [Read more…]

Martin O’Malley let loose on Hillary Clinton and national Democrats, saying he believes they are stacking the deck against other Democrats, including himself, running for president. [Read more…]

After the new Washington Post report on Hillary Clinton’s server, here’s what we know about Clinton’s private server:


Former many-term Senator Russ Feingold sat down for an extended interview with Politico’s Manu Raju, during which he apparently decided to reinvent his record from scratch and hope Wisconsin voters have collective amnesia, just like he’s hoping they’ll forget he’s a career politician if he forbids his supporters to use the word “senator.” [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton’s plummeting poll numbers have dominated the news over the last several weeks. As the FBI investigates the security of Clinton’s private server and Clinton continues to dodge questions on the campaign trail, now even Democrats are wary of their standard-bearer.

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America Rising, the Republican oppo research shop, is looking to tap Mitt Romney’s extensive donor network as it gears up for 2016. [Read more…]

The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today to discus her story on the FBI’s investigation into the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The new revelation just adds to the controversy that continues to hinder her presidential campaign. [Read more…]

In just the last few days, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has come under intense scrutiny for collecting nearly $10,000 in taxpayer dollars that were overpayments for vacation time. [Read more…]

Senate Democrats are eager to win back a majority in 2016, but President Obama made their job considerably more difficult this week when he announced new EPA regulations that will result in higher unemployment, hikes in electricity bills, and serious layoffs to the coal industry. [Read more…]