Former Secretary Of State Can’t Make Up Her Mind About Russia In Syria

Category: AR PAC

SHOT: Sen. Russ Feingold’s response to charges that he broke his signature campaign finance pledge:

“This guy’s lecturing me on pledges I made going back to 1992? It’s ridiculous.” [Read more…]

Gov. Maggie Hassan continues playing budget brinkmanship with Republicans in the state to win partisan points and position herself for a potential U.S. senate bid, and now mental health patients are caught in the crosshairs: [Read more…]

“Ugly” is really the only way to describe the Florida Democratic primary right now, and it’s also just about the only insult Rep. Alan Grayson hasn’t hurled at his opponent, Rep. Patrick Murphy. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal has created an opening for Vice President Joe Biden to jump into the race.

NBC’s Peter Alexander reported that President Obama gave Biden his “blessing” yesterday during a private lunch. Alexander said another good sign for Biden is “only a small percentage of Obama’s top fundraisers from 2012 have already committed to bundling large sums of money for the Clinton campaign.”

CBS News reported that many top Democratic donors are becoming “uneasy” about Hillary Clinton’s handling of her private email server.

On MSNBC, Al Hunt added:

“I think you’re right Joe, I slightly disagree with my friend Mark. I don’t take the Congressional investigation very seriously, but I take the FBI very seriously. I take that judge’s comments, I believe he was a Clinton appointee, I take that very seriously. I don’t know where it’s gonna lead, and going back to my earlier point about Joe Biden, all I’m saying, he can’t get into a race thinking she is going to, you know, self-destruct. That might happen, but that can’t be your premise. But no, I think there is a lot of worry in Hillary-land today.”

Playing the ultimate political calculation, Nevada Democratic Senate candidate and Sen. Harry Reid’s handpicked successor Catherine Cortez Masto welcomed President Obama to a fundraiser for her campaign on Monday, where he delivered to the tune of $300,000, while simultaneously dodging on the President’s controversial Iran deal.

This despite the fact that Reid came out in support of the deal just hours earlier. Reid had reportedly been holding off on taking a position to give Cortez Masto “breathing room”:

Waiting a few more weeks also gives some breathing room to Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat running for Reid’s seat, who has yet to take a position on the deal.

But when it came time for Air Force One to head west, Reid fell into line:

When Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid announced Sunday that he would support the international nuclear agreement with Iran and work to ensure it survives a GOP-led disapproval effort, the Nevada Democrat avoided what could have been an awkward Monday.

Yet – despite all signs pointing to her ultimately supporting the deal – Cortez Masto still won’t play it straight about where she stands on a critical issue facing Nevada and the nation. Given sinking poll numbers for the deal across the country, her evasiveness appears more and more politically expedient.

Bernie Sanders now leads Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire 42-35 in a new PPP poll released this morning. This is the second poll to show Clinton trailing Sanders in the Granite State.

Clinton’s numbers among Democrats are dropping fast—down 30 points since April—according to the poll: [Read more…]

The state of Illinois has become a consistent cause of heartburn for national Democrats and, in particular, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Earlier this spring, Democrats had to come to terms with a high stakes, expensive primary between two Democrats in a pivotal north shore House seat (IL-10). A few months later in downstate Illinois, a four-time failed progressive Democrat declared his candidacy as an Independent, all while throwing a lot of shade at Washington Democrats (IL-13).

Now we head further south to Illinois’ 12th Congressional District, which Democrats drew after the 2010 Census to elect Democrats to Congress. Following an embarrassingly disastrous election for the Democrats in 2014, then-GOP State Rep. Mike Bost was elected to the seat and Democrats have been unable to recruit a legitimate candidate. After their prime recruit declined to run, Democrats found themselves stuck with a 30 year-old lawyer who has a whopping $65,000 in cash on hand for a would-be marquee House race.

Nathan Gonzales, a nonpartisan analyst at The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report, had some pretty rough analysis for Democrats:

“It’s surprising that Democrats haven’t found a top recruit in the 12th District… This is a district Democrats (in the Legislature) drew to elect a Democrat. They lost the seat in a terrible midterm election, but there shouldn’t be a lot of excuses as to why they can’t find someone to run in a presidential year.”

“It’s hard to see how Democrats get anywhere near a (U.S.) House majority without winning this seat.”

As more and more Democrats make their position on President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal known, the heat is on the Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate who continue to avoid questions about the controversial deal – even in cases where their opponent has taken a stance, like Joe Sestak (supports) and Katie McGinty (???) in Pennsylvania. [Read more…]

Nevada Democrat John Oceguera is running for Congress in Nevada’s 4th District, but for some reason is the only candidate who has refused to appear on Ralston Live. Ralston read Oceguera’s excuse and then translated the true meaning for his viewers:

“That folks is a lot of words to say something quite simple. Not a chance.”

This isn’t terribly surprising considering Oceguera’s disastrous interview in 2012 with Ralston when he ran
for Congress in Nevada’s 3rd District. He managed to avoid answering if he would vote for ObamaCare seven different times in just two minutes. Oceguera went on to lose that race by over 7 points.

Gov. Maggie Hassan today declined a plea from the mayor of Manchester – New Hampshire’s largest city and ground zero for the state’s ballooning heroin crisis – to declare a state of emergency. [Read more…]