UPDATED: Add Common Core And The Economy To “Things That Make Jack Sweat”

Category: AR PAC

On Thursday, Quinnipiac released a new poll that once again showed Hillary Clinton’s favorability numbers declining. [Read more…]


In the span between serving as Secretary of State and her presidential announcement, Hillary Clinton made millions of dollars giving speeches to groups as diverse as universities like UCLA and UNLV, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and the American Camp Association. [Read more…]

Cleveland wasn’t ready for Hillary when she announced her candidacy for president in April, and recent polls say Ohio voters still aren’t.

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Today, at a conference in Colorado, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), who supports Clinton’s candidacy, said that Hillary Clinton should take a position on the Keystone pipeline: [Read more…]

For Patrick Murphy, PAC might as well stand for Paternal Action Committee – he publicly credited the House Majority PAC, a Super PAC funded with $300,000 of his wealthy father’s money, for his 2012 congressional campaign victory. [Read more…]

To say the DSCC’s 2016 strategy of anointing a candidate in key senate races and expecting the locals to just get out of the way has backfired would be an understatement. [Read more…]


As Hillary Clinton heads to Iowa today to try and steer the conversation back to her policy agenda, NBC’s Kristen Welker reported this morning on a Suffolk University poll that shows 52% of Iowa Democratic caucus-goers think Clinton’s email controversy will hurt her in a general election. [Read more…]

On Tuesday of last week, Hillary Clinton made her second joke about wiping her server and deleting emails. By Saturday, Joe Biden was meeting privately with Elizabeth Warren about jumping in the race. This morning, groups that support Elizabeth Warren and her causes are making it clear they don’t support Clinton. [Read more…]

Once again, millionaire New Hampshire Democrat Annie Kuster is proving how out of touch she is with Granite State voters. [Read more…]