Claire McCaskill Continues Vicious Attacks On Joe Biden

Category: AR PAC

Last Friday, we pointed out a trend among Democrats running for U.S. senate – they don’t want to take a position on the President’s controversial Iran deal:


Another week has gone by and – unbelievably – we were able to give our graphic designer a break because all eight of these Democrats are still stonewalling, obfuscating, and straight-up ignoring questions about their position.

The only new development we’ve seen in the intervening days is the increasingly ridiculous spin coming from these candidates – most of whom will eventually have to vote on the deal. Let’s review:

Nevada’s Catherine Cortez Masto has been hiding from reporters, but she couldn’t hide from an intrepid America Rising tracker, who caught up with her at a Wednesday event. In what will become a theme, she continued to dodge even in the face of direct questions:

But it’s okay, her mentor Sen. Harry Reid says her position doesn’t matter. No worries, Nevada!

Illinois Rep. Tammy Duckworth has been keeping a low profile since her coast to the nomination imploded last week – maybe she’s finally taking the time to “do her homework” like she said she would 46 days ago when the deal was released. (Bonus question: Does she think fellow Democratic Rep. Cherie Bustos, who came out in favor of the deal this week, “rushed to judgment” like she said her Republican opponent did?)

Katie McGinty in Pennsylvania has been MIA from the campaign trail (all those pesky reporters with their questions!) but her campaign had this to say:

“On this critical issue, Katie, like [Democratic] Sen. [Bob] Casey and others, is carefully assessing the impact of the proposed agreement on the nation’s security. While some Republicans are using this issue to score political points, Democrats need to remain focused on the facts and what is best for the country,” said McGinty campaign manager Mike Mikus.

Except it’s not Republicans criticizing McGinty’s dodge, it’s this guy:

In Florida, Reps. Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson have been busy attacking each other as if the primary was next week, but Grayson did pause to make it clear that he plans to wait until the last possible second to make a decision on the deal:

And Murphy “released a statement explaining that he is taking the time available and necessary to examine the deal.” Apparently more than six weeks isn’t enough time.

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan has been too occupied shutting down her state to devote much time to foreign policy:

And Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in Arizona? Her poll numbers are so low that reporters may have forgotten to ask her about her position – and she would seemingly like to keep it that way.

The only actual senator in the group, Colorado’s Michael Bennet – one of the few sitting senators who hasn’t taken a position – seemed poised to break his silence at a forum on Wednesday, but then he said this:

Whomp whomp.

In what was another brutal press conference, Hillary Clinton decided to dodge questions, blame government processes, and ignore tough questions.

First, Clinton dodged a question asking if she felt responsible for classified information being in her email account:

Then, she once again blamed a “confusing” government disclosure process for her email scandal:

And then when she was asked a number of tough questions, Clinton told the reporter he was “entitled” to only one question and so that is all she would answer, despite answering multiple questions from a different reporter earlier in the press conference:

With every week of her campaign, it has become increasingly clear Clinton has not developed a new relationship with the media.

This week, 2014 (failed) Democratic nominee Jerry Cannon decided to throw his hat back into the ring to take another shot at a three term Republican Congressman. Despite being a “top” Democratic recruit, Cannon ended up losing the election by nearly 7 points last cycle. [Read more…]

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet is facing mounting pressure to take a position on the Iran deal, but at a forum this week – or, 44 days after the deal was released – he continued to dodge direct questions, and indulged in a little hypocrisy to boot. [Read more…]

In a stunningly arrogant declaration, the Clinton campaign is telling reporters they have enough superdelegates to make up one-fifth of the delegates needed to lock up the nomination. Bloomberg reports: [Read more…]

Peters with Iran Protesters

On Wednesday, nearly 50 protesters organized by gathered at Rep. Scott Peters’ (CA-52) district office to urge him to support Obama’s controversial Iran deal. Peters told the group that he planned to announce his position soon and assured them that he was “trying to do the right thing for the country.” [Read more…]

ABC News reported today on more documents obtained by Citizens United, which show that Bill Clinton tried to give speeches in North Korea and the Democratic Republic Of The Congo: [Read more…]

Moments before likening Republicans to terrorists in Cleveland this morning, Hillary Clinton took a moment to throw her support behind Ted Strickland. [Read more…]

A new report from The Washington Post highlights new documents obtained by Citizens United that show the blurred lines between Clinton‘s State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and Clinton-tied consulting firm Teneo Holdings. [Read more…]

Unbelievable! At an event in Ohio today, Hillary Clinton compared people who disagree with her to “terrorist groups.” [Read more…]