Clinton Flip-Flops On Major Trade Deal

Category: AR PAC

State Senator Ruben Kihuen, a Democratic candidate for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, appeared on Jon Ralston’s “Ralston Live” last night, where he claimed he is the best candidate because he has “the strongest progressive record of getting things accomplished in Carson City.”  [Read more…]

Last night the State Department released 7000 pages of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as Secretary of State. These emails revealed some disturbing details about Clinton’s time at State. [Read more…]

Last night, the State Department released 7,000 more pages of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as Secretary of State. Before releasing the emails, the State Department deemed 125 more of Clinton’s emails to be classified. [Read more…]

Tonight, Fox News’ Ed Henry reported on unreleased Clinton emails sent in August 2012 outlining another potential conflict of interest. [Read more…]

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a week ago, a coalition of liberal groups allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren petitioned Hillary Clinton to distance herself from her Wall Street backers, particularly the “golden parachute” set that has been donating to her campaign. [Read more…]

This afternoon Fox News’ Ed Henry reported that about 150 Hillary Clinton’s emails set for release today contained some classified information. This is just the latest contradiction of Clinton’s claim that she did not send or receive any classified information on her private email server.

Hillary Clinton has made repeated claims that she is focusing on her own race and not on attacking her Democratic primary rivals, but her top surrogates are on the attack. [Read more…]

On Saturday, The Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics released a poll that showed Hillary Clinton’s commanding lead in Iowa was a thing of the past, and evaporated to a mere seven points over Democratic rival Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Many are now comparing Sanders’ coalition to the Obama coalition of 2008, which allowed Obama to upset Clinton in Iowa.

Bloomberg’s John Heilemann says their pollster Ann Selzer is reminded of 2008 in terms of, “The coalition that Sanders is building in Iowa – young voters, liberals, and new, first-time caucus goers, people who have not ever caucused before, that is the Obama coalition in Iowa.”

The Des Moines Register’s Kathie Obradovich said about the poll, “Barack Obama came out of nowhere and surprised Hillary Clinton in 2008, Bernie Sanders seems to be doing the same thing.”

On Sunday, Bloomberg pollster J. Ann Selzer said about the poll, “You look into the internals as we call them, who is it that he [Bernie Sanders] is strong with? So he’s losing by 7 points. He leads by 8 points with people who say this will be the first time they participated in the caucus. He leads by over 20 points with people who say they consider themselves independents, and people who are under age 45. Now that is the Obama coalition. Those are the groups he put together that surprised Hillary Clinton in 2008.”

Like New Hampshire, Iowa is starting to feel the Bern.

In the wake of a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll showing Hillary Clinton’s support in Iowa has evaporated by one third since May and Bernie Sanders within single digits, plus increasing support for a potential run by Vice President Joe Biden, morning shows were rife with pundits and analysts detailing just how bad this poll is for Clinton’s struggling campaign.

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd called the poll’s results “shocking”:

CNN’s John King said that it’s a grim morning for the Clinton campaign:

And CNN’s Polo Sandoval said the poll is a “reality check” for Clinton’s campaign:

ABC’s Good Morning America characterized the poll as “troubling” for Clinton, with her lead in Iowa “shrinking to its lowest ever”:


It’s still 2015 and we’re beginning to lose count of how many times Hillary Clinton’s campaign has hit the “reset” button. One thing is for certain, each has been as effective as the former Secretary of State’s failed reset with Russia. [Read more…]