Clinton Pleads Ignorance About Attacks Made By Super PAC She Coordinates Directly With

Category: AR PAC

Hillary Clinton’s aide Bryan Pagliano announced last night that he would plead the Fifth to avoid testifying before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Pagliano is the aide who set up Clinton’s homebrew server, which is at the center of an FBI investigation. [Read more…]

Yesterday, The Washington Post reported that Mark MacDougall, the attorney for former Clinton staffer Bryan Pagliano, sent a letter to House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy indicating that Pagliano would assert his Fifth Amendment right, avoiding his planned testimony before the Select Committee on September 10, 2015. [Read more…]

This morning, America Rising PAC is releasing a new memo about Secretary Hillary Clinton’s desperate political moves in New Hampshire—the first primary state in the Democratic presidential nomination process.

Trotting out the endorsement of Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) on Labor Day weekend, the Clinton campaign is displaying signs of growing nervousness about the Granite State. [Read more…]

On Wednesday, Andrea Mitchell interviewed former Pennsylvania governor and current Hillary Clinton backer Ed Rendell on Clinton’s emails. Mitchell gave Rendell the chance to walk back his recent criticism of the Clinton campaign in The New York Times, in which he called their handling of the email scandal atrocious.

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Yesterday The Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton had sent at least six classified e-mails while using her private email server.This report contradicts what Clinton said during her press conference in March and has continued to maintain throughout the campaign: [Read more…]

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll spells more bad news for Hillary Clinton this morning: [Read more…]

1) Hillary Clinton Is Reminded By Huma  Abedin That She Cannot Attend A Screening At The Tribeca Film Festival Because She Will Be In Estonia.  [Read more…]

Now that Senator Bob Casey has come out in support of the Iran deal, everyone is waiting for Katie McGinty to voice her support, or opposition, or really any thoughts at all in regards to the deal. [Read more…]

As the Washington Post reported last week, top Clinton confidante Huma Abedin was simultaneously receiving compensation from four separate pots of money: [Read more…]

Womp Womp. Looks like AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka still isn’t ready for Hillary Clinton.

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