Pelosi: Terror Detainees On American Soil An “Economic Opportunity”

Category: AR PAC

This morning, Hillary Clinton released a new campaign finance plan that wants to overturn Citizens United, add small dollar matching funds, and have outside groups disclose their donors.

The sad irony, of course, is that Clinton—while regularly decrying “unaccountable money” in politics—has been exploiting the campaign finance system for years. [Read more…]

According to a new NBC/Marist poll released today, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders gets 41% of the vote in New Hampshire while Clinton only gets 32%. In July, Clinton led Sanders by 10 points in New Hampshire.

In Iowa, while Clinton still leads Sanders, her lead has declined from 24 points in July to just 11 points.

It would seem that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is having a real impact on her campaign, despite what she might claim.

The Washington Post reported last night that the Clintons personally paid former campaign and State Department aide Bryan Pagliano to set up and maintain their private email server:

Hillary Rodham Clinton and her family personally paid a State Department staffer to maintain the private e-mail server she used while heading the agency, according to an official from Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The unusual arrangement helped Clinton retain personal control over the system that she used for her public and private duties and that has emerged as an issue for her campaign.

The Clintons paid Pagliano at least $5,000 to set up the server before he joined Clinton’s State Department and then continued paying him after he secured a job at State:

The Clintons paid Pagliano $5,000 for “computer services” prior to his joining the State Department, according to a financial disclosure form he filed in April 2009.

But even after arriving at State in May 2009, Pagliano continued to be paid by the Clintons to maintain the server, which was in their Chappaqua, N.Y., home, according to the campaign official and another person familiar with the arrangement.

And Pagliano, who has said he will plead the fifth instead of testify about the server, never disclosed the payments:

Asked in early August about whether Pagliano had been paid privately to maintain the server, a State Department official said that the agency had “found no evidence that he ever informed the department that he had outside income.”

This week, a different State Department official said he could not clarify Pagliano’s pay situation, citing “ongoing reviews and investigations” of Clinton’s e-mail setup.

Pagliano did not list the outside income in the required personal financial disclosures he filed each year.

This new development raises further questions about Clinton’s decision to have a private server and flies in the face of her claim to not have thought about her email system when she became Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton decided that the Friday before Labor Day weekend was the perfect time to sit down with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell for only her third national television interview since launching her campaign five months ago. [Read more…]

While Hillary Clinton heads to Puerto Rico on Friday, Republicans are looking to link her tax plans to the U.S. territory’s recent default on its $72 billion debt.

Republican political action committee America Rising is launching online ads in Puerto Rico arguing that Clinton’s policy plans would raise taxes and increase the debt — just like Democratic Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro Padilla.

“Clinton & Padilla = More Taxes, More Debt,” reads the English ad. Clinton & Padilla = Más Impuestos, Más Deuda,” reads the Spanish ad.



The article was excerpted from The Hill. Click here to read the full article online.

In an interview today with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Clinton twice refused to apologize for using her private email server as Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced yet another ad buy in the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire this week. That brings her campaign’s grand total up to $13.8 million spent or reserved on ads in the two states ($7.7 million in New Hampshire, $6.2 million in Iowa). [Read more…]

As Hillary Clinton fundraises and campaigns in Puerto Rico today, America Rising PAC is exposing her record of runaway spending and higher taxes – a record she shares with Puerto Rico’s left-wing and deeply unpopular governor, Alejandro García Padilla. [Read more…]

Brian Fallon just went on CNN and declared to the world that he doesn’t know what it means to “wipe” a server. [Read more…]

What a difference a few elections makes when it comes to Senator Feingold. In the past, he denounced PACs, but then started his own PAC to pay himself. He also pledged to take a majority of his money from Wisconsinites, but he abandoned that stance too. [Read more…]