Hillary Clinton Dominates The Sunday Shows

Category: AR PAC

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told CNN’s Dana Bash that vulnerable red-state Democrats should invite President Obama to come campaign with them. [Read more…]

Rep. Cheri Bustos announced that she is bringing Pam Davidson, a John Deere employee, to the State Of The Union tomorrow night. [Read more…]

Speaking at the National Automobile Dealers Association in New Orleans today, Hillary Clinton showed just how Washington she’s gone over the past two decades, jokingly telling the audience about the fact that she hasn’t driven a car in over 17 years. [Read more…]

As Obama prepares to deliver the 2014 State Of The Union address, it’s worth remembering that House and Senate Democrats are accountable for his words. [Read more…]

After the deeply flawed rollout of Maryland’s Obamacare exchange, Gov. Martin O’Malley recently declared the “website is now functional for most citizens.” But for one Baltimore Sun reporter, that was far from the case: [Read more…]

The Weekly Standard reported that House candidate Erin Bilbray-Kohn (D-NV) liked an image that used offensive words like “Ching-Chong Ching” in a reference to Asians and the N-word to reference a part of Africa.  This is the image she ‘liked” on Facebook. [Read more…]

In an interview with Politico, Alison Lundergan Grimes continued to dodge critical questions about her support for Barack Obama and his policies in Washington. [Read more…]

According to a new report in the Capital Journal, Democrat Senate candidate Rick Weiland’s (D-SD) fundraising numbers show that approximately 71 percent of his total campaign contributions have come from out-of-state donors. [Read more…]

Reminds us of another guy who read everything on the teleprompter. [Read more…]

Justin Bieber or Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL)?