5 Must-Read Stories About Hillary Clinton’s $30 Million Disclosure

Category: AR PAC

Democrat groups American Bridge and the DNC and liberal media outlets like MSNBC were quick to jump on some outlandish claims by Democrat Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer regarding the Christie Administration threatening to withhold Sandy funds from her city. [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu is trying to run from Obama and his health care bill that she voted for (and would vote for again tomorrow), but as NBC’s David Gregory points out. [Read more…]

After months of stonewalling, the State Department finally released a list of employees that were granted a special arrangement to have private clients while working for the State Department. [Read more…]

President Obama embarks on his post-State of the Union tour across the country today. What’s notable on the president’s itinerary are the states he’s avoiding at all costs: any that have an incumbent U.S. Senator facing reelection or those challenger races touted by national Democrats. [Read more…]

How unpopular is Obama in swing states this year? Watch Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) avoid CNN’s Dana Bash’s question about whether he would want the president to campaign with him. [Read more…]

Rep. Annie Kuster rushed to embrace Barack Obama after tonights State of the Union address. [Read more…]

Tonight, Obama called on Congress to end efforts to repeal the disastrous ObamaCare law. Looks like Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL) really, really loved the idea, even though 300,000 Floridians are losing their health insurance. [Read more…]

Tonight during President Obama’s State Of the Union, both Kay Hagan and Mary Landrieu stood up to applaud President Obama’s glowing appraisal of ObamaCare. [Read more…]

Tonight, Barack Obama praised the implementation of ObamaCare in Kentucky bringing to the forefront a topic that ObamaCare supporter Alison Lundergan Grimes is desperately trying to avoid. Question, does Grimes agree with Obama? [Read more…]

Earlier this month, Kay Hagan (D-NC) refused to attend an event with President Obama, in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he delivered a major economic policy speech and announced a new high-tech manufacturing hub. [Read more…]