California Democrat Just Wants To Avoid “Political Suicide” On Trade Issue

Category: AR PAC

Today, another government agency run by Obama issued a rebuke of one of his policy stances. Last week, it was the State Department giving the green (get it?) light for Keystone XL. [Read more…]

Following a week where Iowa activists expressed reservations about a top-down “ordained” candidacy, and a Clinton ally saying she’s already “earned” the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination before a single vote has been cast, BuzzFeed reports that top Obama aides have gone on the record to deliver tough criticism of Hillary’s budding inevitability strategy that failed her in 2008: [Read more…]

In August 2013, Mark Pryor (D-AR) said that ObamaCare “isn’t killing jobs, this bill is creating jobs.” [Read more…]

Tonight, Alex Sink, who only decided to move into Pinellas County to run for Congress just a few months ago (and she’s only renting), twice dodged the question during a candidates’ forum of whether or not she would stay in the county after the special election. [Read more…]

Tonight, Alex Sink dodged when asked if she met with national Democrats before moving to Pinellas County to run for Congress. [Read more…]

Tonight, in a candidates’ debate, Florida Democrat Alex Sink said she opposes a Balanced Budget Amendment. [Read more…]

According to her year-end FEC filing, there is no evidence that Robertson’s campaign hired a cyber security firm that they promised would investigate their claims that Republican operatives had tried to hack her website.

Back on September 30, 2013, Robertson sent a fundraising email pleading for donations by claiming that GOP operatives were attempting to shutdown her website. In an October Roll Call interview when asked about her website being hacked Robertson said,

“We’re working to hire a cyber-security firm to take a serious look at that and investigate everything that happened. Beyond that it’s really better to leave it up to them.”

Her campaign has consistently dodged requests for updates regarding the investigation. If she’s willing to accuse others of criminal activity and deceive her own supporters in order to fundraise, what else will she do to win office?

Yesterday, Kay Hagan (D-NC) gave an interview with Greensboro’s WXII where she spent over 45 seconds not answering a question on whether President Obama will help or hurt her re-election. [Read more…]

Today the State Department issued its third environmental impact assessment on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which happens to reinforce the conclusions of the first and second. [Read more…]

Yesterday evening it was reported that former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg “has been tapped to be U.N. special envoy for cities and climate change.” [Read more…]