Taking Apart 7 Things Hillary Clinton Says At Every Campaign Stop – And 2 Things She Won’t Say

Category: AR PAC

At the press conference announcing his appointment to the Senate last Friday, John Walsh said “I’m not going to get sucked into Washington D.C.

Walsh is already being sucked into D.C. though. Look no further than his money. As NBC Montana notes, PAC money from D.C. is building Walsh’s campaign.

The Washington Free Beacon reports on the private papers of Hillary Clinton’s now deceased Arkansas friend Diane Blair, whose files were made public at the University of Arkansas library. During the 2008 campaign, questions were raised regarding the decision to delay making Blair’s collection public until after the 2008 election. Among the top finding from the Blair documents were:

Hillary Clinton attempted to pass her own health care legislation in 1993 through the budget reconciliation process to avoid a Senate filibuster, just as the final Obamacare bill was passed through the Senate:

March 9 – HC absolutely exhausted after another day on the Hill. She’s working hard to get Byrd to let them put health care into budget reconciliation.

According to a polling memo from Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign in 1992, voters found Hillary Clinton to be “ruthless”:

On May 12, 1992, Stan Greenberg and Celinda Lake, top pollsters for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, issued a confidential memo. The memo’s subject was “Research on Hillary Clinton.”

Voters admired the strength of the Arkansas first couple, the pollsters wrote. However, “they also fear that only someone too politically ambitious, too strong, and too ruthless could survive such controversy so well.”

Their conclusion: “What voters find slick in Bill Clinton, they find ruthless in Hillary.”

Hillary Clinton originally called a single-payer health care system a necessity, a position she later denied ever having:

“At dinner, [Hillary] to [Bill] at length on the complexities of health care-thinks managed competition a crock; single-payer necessary; maybe add to Medicare,” Blair wrote.

The account is at odds with public statements by the former First Lady that she never supported the single-payer option.

In an interview with the New York Times as she ran for president in 2008, Hillary Clinton said she had never seriously considered adopting a single-payer system, in which the government, using funds appropriated from taxpayers, pays for all health care expenses.

The papers portray “a cutthroat strategist who relished revenge against her adversaries and complained in private that nobody in the White House was “tough and mean enough”:

The records paint a complex portrait of Hillary Clinton, revealing her to be a loyal friend, devoted mother, and a cutthroat strategist who relished revenge against her adversaries and complained in private that nobody in the White House was “tough and mean enough.”

Read more on the Blair papers here.

This past Saturday, an America Rising tracker attended a Democrat State Central Committee meeting in the Louisiana State Capitol because vulnerable Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu was speaking via Skype (she was too busy raising money from trial lawyers). Democrats were so flustered by the tracker’s presence, they disrupted their own meeting with a standing ovation for absolutely nothing.

Just a few days ago, FEC reports revealed Martha Robertson’s campaign had not in fact hired a cyber-security firm to investigate claims of her website being hacked, despite saying it would. Now, WETM reports that Robertson’s campaign manager confirms they never hired a firm and have no plans to do so.


“This bill is their remedy,” said Shea-Porter on the House floor in 2010, extolling the benefits of ObamaCare for small businesses.

Fast forward: according to a new survey by the National Small Business Association, small business healthcare costs for employees have nearly doubled in the past five years. This has led them to either lay off employees or hold back hiring altogether.

We’re no doctors, but usually a remedy is not supposed make a condition worse.

According to H.R.C., a new book by political reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, it was Hillary Clinton’s strong defense of Obamacare before wavering cabinet members that proved “pivotal” in winning their support according to a Washington Post preview:

She defended the president’s health plan against doubting Cabinet colleagues, a moment the authors describe as “pivotal, if underappreciated.”

This shouldn’t be surprising, after-all Clinton is the “Mother of Obamacare” since the bill mimicked much of what Clinton had promised during her losing 2008 presidential campaign.

John Walsh – the handpicked candidate of the D.C. establishment Democrats –  has been appointed to replace Sen. Max Baucus. Montanans might be surprised to find out that Walsh has already gone Washington on them. Don’t take our word for it, make sure to watch what the Montanan at the end of the video has to say to Walsh.

The New York Post reports Hillary Clinton was spotted with an entourage of assistants and security shopping at Fifth Avenue luxury department store Bergdorf Goodman, which has been billed as the home address of fashion and featured in last year’s documentary “Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s.”  [Read more…]

Just look at today’s Tampa Bay Times front page:
