Clinton State Department Slow Walking FOIA Request Shows A Lack Of Transparency

Category: AR PAC

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster is running for re-election in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.

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The Anchorage Daily News reported today that Shell’s decision to put its plans to drill in the Arctic on hold has dealt a political blow to Mark Begich, who had a lot riding on the company starting to drill in the Arctic this year. Begich even had to take down a radio ad where he bragged about how Shell was going to be drilling in the Arctic.

Here’s a portion of the radio ad Begich released earlier this year where he mentions his efforts expand drilling and mining in the Arctic.

BEGICH: “And next year, Shell Oil is coming back to the Arctic Ocean, bringing new and upgraded drill ships so we can finally start drilling after decades of waiting.”

Just earlier this week in a telephone town hall on February 11, 2014, Begich claimed that Shell was still moving forward in the Arctic.

BEGICH: “The issue about ANWR or oil and gas exploration. You know, we’ve been aggressive about getting the Arctic open. Now I tell you, five years ago, people told me it’d never happen, Begich don’t waste your time, the Obama administration is going to lock us up tighter than a drum. And I said well, we’ll see about that. What’s happening now? Even though Shell had a setback earlier this year, they are moving forward. The Arctic is going to be drilled in. There’s an enormous amount of oil and gas there that’s going to come through our pipeline and start filling the pipeline. Matter of fact, it’s federal lands that’s going to be filling that pipeline versus the state because I don’t know what the state is doing, they seem to not be able to get moving on any project when it comes to oil and gas. But we are moving forward on the Shell development in the Arctic. Along with that we resolved the longstanding issues on what they call CD-5 in the National Petroleum Reserve. This is the first, they are mobilizing this year, ConocoPhillips, to start the first production. We are now working with them to get two more wells in development, which will produce, I think around the three of them, 47,000 barrels give or take there, of oil a day to the pipeline. So we’re moving forward, those are creating some jobs. They don’t get a lot of highlight out there because the press is always out there looking for the big home run. Well we’re getting base hits to complete the game and win the game, that’s what we’re doing. I see some great progress there.”

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Rep. Brad Schneider is a Democrat running for re-election in Illinois’ 10th Congressional District. [Read more…]

Earlier this week, CQ Roll Call released their vote studies for 2013 and found that Kay Hagan (D-NC) voted for President Obama’s liberal agenda 96 percent of the time.

Well, back in 2008, Hagan attacked Sen. Dole for voting with President Bush only 92 percent of the time, stating, “voting 92% of time with the President, whether you support him or not, doesn’t work here in North Carolina.”

HAGAN: “It is time for someone to reach across party lines and finally get something done in this country. Voting 92% of time with the president, whether you support him or not, doesn’t work here in North Carolina.”

Hagan’s blatant hypocrisy is indefensible. She will say whatever is necessary to get elected and then turn on her constituents to be a rubber stamp for President Obama’s liberal agenda.


In more fallout from the Blair Papers first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, there is increased scrutiny on the motivation Hillary Clinton cited for wanting her best friend to keep a diary of what happened in the White House: revenge.

According to CNN’s analysis of the documents the desire for revenge “was especially strong because Clinton seemed to harbor a deep distrust of the media.”

This revelation comes on the heels of a new book HRC that reveals “Hillary’s Hit List” which aides were paid to compile after the campaign. The hit list ranked her enemies from the 2008 campaign on a “revenge score card.”

It seems like Hillary’s penchant for revenge didn’t dissipate over the years.

Rep. Ron Barber is a Democrat running for re-election in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District. [Read more…]

Martha Robertson, a county legislator, is running for Congress in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

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Yesterday, The Washington Post reported that Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) went extreme, saying that Republicans “just want people to starve, and it’s disgusting.” Nadler was criticizing the passage of the Farm Bill, which included a 1% reduction in SNAP benefits. What’s odd is that Nadler must also believe that the 89 House Democrats, the Democrat Senate, and Democrat President who supported the Farm Bill must also want “people to starve.”