Hillary Clinton Staffer: Clinton The Public Face Of U.S. Libya Effort

Category: AR PAC

A new poll from the Texas Tribune shows real momentum in the Democrat Senate Primary for a candidate who wants to impeach President Obama. Kesha Rogers, a long-time supporter of Lyndon Larouche  leads Wendy Davis-endorsed David Alameel 35%-27%.

Rogers is adamantly anti-Obama and her success in a Democrat primary shows just how toxic this President will be in the midterms. Rogers call for impeachment raises the bar for red-state Democrats like Mark Pryor and Alison Lundergan Grimes who are making an embarrassing spectacle out of attempting to distance themselves from a President they previously supported.

Vice President Biden’s top South Carolina supporter removed any doubt that the VP’s allies are harboring resentment towards the Clinton machine for trying to bully him out of a campaign. Former South Carolina Democrat Party Chair Dick Harpootlian – a man never known for mincing words – called Hillary’s Super PAC “a cult” in an interview with CNN’s Peter Hamby.

“Is it a political organization or a fan club for a boy band?…”I think it’s a cult, not a political movement,” Harpootlian added. “Ready for Hillary compared to who? The field still has to develop.”

Other South Carolina Biden supporters echoed Harpootlian.

“I’m more of a ‘Ready for Biden’ kinda guy,” said Tyler Jones, a Democratic operative in Charleston, when asked whether he was attending the pro-Clinton fundraiser last week.

South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn also criticized the Hillary super-PACs for taking attention away from the 2014 midterms.

“The overemphasis and the time and energy spent on presidential politics at this juncture are misplaced,” Clyburn said. “You don’t deal with a structure from the top down in politics. In building any structure you have to build from the bottom up. I just wish that all of these people who spend all their time on presidential politics in 2016 would spend half that time on the governor’s race in 2014, and putting structure in place. I just think this is misplaced priorities.”

These quotes came on the heels of a sparsely attended “Ready for Hillary” event in Columbia, South Carolina last week that calls into question just how “Ready” for Hillary a state that only gave her about 1/4 of the primary vote in 2008 is.

South Carolina Not Ready for Hillary Clinton

Sparse attendance at tonight’s Ready for Hillary event in Columbia, South Carolina. Recall that Hillary received 26.5% of the vote in South Carolina in the 2008 Democrat Primary.


South Carolina Not Ready for Hillary Clinton

During an interview this morning with New Hampshire Public Radio’s “The Exchange,” Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) doubled down on her support of ObamaCare. Kuster not only said that she was “dead set” against repealing the law, but she even said she would have voted for it if she was in Congress at the time. That’s not surprising, given that she also claims in the interview that she is one of President Obama’s “strongest supporters” in Congress. What is surprising is that she continues to support the law even though New Hampshire residents face higher than national average costs and lower than average options under ObamaCare.


Today, Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod (D-CA) announced her retirement after only one term in Congress. Her 2012 opponent, former Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA), who is now running for Congress in California’s 31st Congressional district, didn’t wait too long to hurl a parting insult to not only his “longtime foe,” but to national Democrats who lined up behind McLeod’s candidacy. As The Hill’s Ballot Box blog reports:

“[Baca] slammed both Bloomberg and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) for meddling in California politics, and said they’d work against him no matter where he ran – and took a final shot at McLeod, his longtime foe, calling her a ‘bimbo.’”

‘What’s the difference? They’ve conspired to work against me in one, they’d turn around and do the same in the other, right? Would you roll the dice and hope they wouldn’t?’ he asked rhetorically.

‘Look at what we wound up with: Some bimbo who decided not to run again. … Here we go again now with another New Yorker trying to tell us who’s going to be the representative of the 31st. It’s up to the people to decide.’”


Peters and Pelosi

In 2010, Gary Peters voted for ObamaCare even though his constituents protested:

“As a freshman congressman in 2010, Peters voted for the health care law over howls of protest among constituents at angry town halls and warnings it would cost him his suburban Detroit swing district House seat.” [Read more…]

Hillary Hits the Reset Button with Russia

As Secretary of State one of Hillary Clinton’s signature policies was a “reset” in relations with Russia.  Now the Russian backed government in Ukraine’s crackdown on its people is just the latest example of the utter failure of this policy.

Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation and famous chess champion Garry Kasparov tweets: “Murderous repression in Ukraine was foretold by confusion and moral cowardice of EU/US on Syria and elsewhere versus Putin’s pressure.”

On Special Report, George Will noted “What we are seeing in the Ukraine… is a complete failure of what I think was the centerpiece of the president’s foreign policy and that is the reset of the relations with Russia.”

In the Washington Post, Jen Rubin highlights Hillary’s Russia efforts as taking the gold for cluelessness because she “never quite clued into what Putin was up to.”

For her part, former Secretary Clinton has had little to say about the violence and has not walked back her support for the reset.

In an attempt to separate himself from a toxic Democrat party and a president he voted 97% of the time with, Mark Begich last week put out a press release saying he “objected to the Democratic chairman” and “protected 2nd Amendment rights” with regards to Rand Paul’s amendment that would allow people to carry firearms in post offices.

The problem?

Mark Begich voted against that amendment twice and accused Rand Paul of “playing parlor games” with the amendment. Nowhere in the press release does he mention how he actually voted on the bill he tries to claim he valiantly saved. Who are you trying to fool Mark Begich?


Today, after America Rising launched its new website, New York(ish) Democrat Sean Eldridge sent this fundraising email, trying to raise money on the fact that the PAC is researching him: [Read more…]

Pryor hagan landrieu begich

Vulnerable Senate Democrats Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu, Mark Begich, and Kay Hagan joined Republicans in sending a letter to the Obama Administration to raise their “serious concerns” about cuts to Medicare Advantage, which are expected to go through later this month. [Read more…]