Raising New Questions, Clinton Received Now-Classified Information On Private Server

Category: AR PAC

Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson, a member of the supposedly impartial legislative panel investigating Chris Christie, delivered a bitterly hostile attack against the Governor on MSNBC and called on him to resign “irrespective of Bridgegate.”

Its hard to understand how the panel investigating Christie can be seen as anything but a partisan witch-hunt when one of its members calls him “disgusting” and already thinks he should resign without any evidence and regardless of the facts. Even Al Sharpton, not exactly a Christie ally, was caught off guard and asked Watson why Christie should resign when there is “nothing I’ve heard that directly implicates the governor.”

This is not the first Democrat to undermine the credibility of their criticisms on Christie with outlandish, partisan accusations with no basis in fact.


Today, PolitiFact released a new fact check on Mark Pryor’s (D-AR) attack ads on Medicare. The verdict? “Mostly False.” [Read more…]


The Washington Post reports that another major flaw with Maryland’s ObamaCare website will lead to tens of millions of Medicaid payments to recipients that do not qualify:

A single flaw in Maryland’s troubled online health-insurance system will cost the state an estimated $30.5 million in excess Medicaid payments over the next 18 months because the system cannot accurately identify recipients who should be removed from the rolls, a report by state budget officials says.

The money will pay for coverage for thousands of individuals who are enrolled in Medicaid but whose income likely has increased to the point that they no longer qualify for the subsidy, which helps cover health costs for low-income individuals.

Maryland’s system cannot check whether Medicaid recipients earn too much to re-qualify. Rather than remove people incorrectly, the state reached an agreement with federal officials to delay reviews and continue payments until the site is repaired.

The report provides the first look at the potential dollar cost of the debacle, after months of public outrage and political finger-pointing over who is to blame for the deeply flawed site, which crashed within minutes of its public debut Oct. 1. In addition to identifying the “potentially very costly” Medicaid flaw, the report also found “significant uncertainty” about how much money it will take to fix the health-insurance marketplace, and where that money will come from.

Speaking last night at the University of Miami, Hillary Clinton was asked about the Syrian civil war. Clinton, oddly, called the recent failed deal that she backed between the United States and Bashar Al Assad to remove his chemical weapons a “positive step,” even though Assad with Russian assistance has reneged on his end of the deal, kept his chemical weapons and faces no retaliation for crossing Obama and Clinton’s “red line.”

Though Clinton called for more of the deal to be “fulfilled,” current Secretary of State John Kerry has already admitted that the deal and the Administration’s broader attempts at diplomacy with Assad have failed, telling a closed-door room of Congressmen as much earlier this month:

Secretary of State John Kerry has lost faith in his own administration’s Syria policy, he told fifteen U.S. Congressmen in a private, off-the-record meeting, according to two of the senators who were in the room. Kerry also said he believes the regime of Bashar al Assad is failing to uphold its promise to give up its chemical weapons according to schedule; that the Russians are not being helpful in solving the Syrian civil war; and that the Geneva 2 peace talks that he helped organize are not succeeding. But according to the senators, Kerry now wants to arm Syria’s rebels-in part, to block the local al Qaeda affiliates who have designs on attacking the U.S. (Kerry’s spokesperson denied that he now wants to supply weapons, but did not dispute the overall tenor of the conversation.)

“[Kerry] acknowledged that the chemical weapons [plan] is being slow rolled, the Russians continue to supply arms, we are at a point now where we are going to have to change our strategy,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, who attended Kerry’s briefing with lawmakers on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

This is just the latest chapter in Clinton’s bungled policy on Syria.

Mark Begich is out there again thinking he can pull a fast one on Alaskans. In July 2010, Begich signed a letter that said he supported “making polluters pay through a price on greenhouse gas emissions.”

“We believe the scale of this challenge dictates the need for a comprehensive solution that includes making polluters pay through a price on greenhouse gas emissions.”

National Journal asked Begich what did he mean by price? His response was typical Washington, D.C.

“I think it was still undefined at that point from my perspective,” he said when asked what the “price” phrase meant. … “I think there are other ways to deal with carbon as a pollutant,” Begich said.

Given the push at that time for climate change legislation to address greenhouse gas emissions when he signed the letter, it’s hard to believe Begich was for anything else but a price on emissions. “Price” isn’t exactly an ambiguous term, especially when Begich is the one that wants Alaskans to pay for it.

Today Hillary Clinton is making two stops in Florida, speaking to college students and at a health care conference.

Hillary campaigned several times last year for long-time crony Terry McAuliffe including headlining “women for Terry” events and once for her former campaign manager Bill de Blasio in New York. Yet for the 2nd time since she left the State Department Clinton has stiffed a female Democratic contender who could use the help. Last year it was Chris Christie opponent Barbara Buono, today its the Democrat candidate for the Florida 13 House Special Election, Alex Sink.

Maybe Sink just hasn’t raised enough money or done enough favors for Hillary like McAuliffe and De Blasio have? Maybe Hillary’s team was made skittish by Sink’s offensive remarks about immigrants or the fact that she thought people working fewer hours because of Obamacare was an “exciting prospect.”

Regardless of the reason, its clear that Hillary’s priority on her swing through Florida is to line her pockets with paid speech cash rather than help an Emily’s List endorsed Democrat two weeks out from a special election.

This will be news to the millions who lost their health care coverage. Wonder what the Democrat Senators up for reelection in November will have to say about this attack on Americans adversely affected by Obamacare.

What could be worse than HHS’s lame attempt to sell the flailing ObamaCare implementation using doge? How about Kay Hagan (D-NC) fleeing reporters’ ObamaCare questions.

Hagan doge

Politico reported this AM that there are thousands of documents that the Clinton Library is refusing to make public, even though the legal reason for keeping them private expired a year ago. This is in stark contrast to what Hillary promised. Buzzfeed has video of Hillary Clinton in 2004 promising that all the records from the Clinton Library would be public and that they’d be accessible “even earlier than legally required.” We’re well past that promise being broken.


KING: Well, make a call as I said. Do you think the impeachment thing was handled tastefully and well?

H. CLINTON: I do. I do. I’ve told everyone that the history was going to be full and accurate. Nothing’s left out. Obviously, not everything can be shown. But there’s going to be access to all of the documents. In fact, Bill is going to be making his documents accessible even earlier than legally required.

KING: He is?

H. CLINTON: He is. Because he really thinks it’s important. That’s one of the things the library really stands for. It physically stands for openness with all the glass and the light. But he wants it to be a place where people come and really study. And everything’s going to be available.