Hillary Clinton And Her Private Server Are The Hot Topic This Sunday

Category: AR PAC

As has been pointed out, Mark Begich signed a letter in July 2010 which said he supported “making polluters pay through a price on greenhouse gas emissions.” [Read more…]

In the wake of Russia sending troops into Crimea, a consensus is emerging that Hillary Clinton’s failed Russian ‘reset’ policy is a political vulnerability and even liberal commentators are coming around to admit that Governor Romney’s statements about Russia – which Democrats mocked during the last presidential campaign – were accurate.

In 2012, in one of her rare forays into electoral politics during an interview with CNN, Hillary criticized Romney’s view as “dated” and “looking backwards” and added that “in many of the areas that we are working to solve problems, Russia has been an ally.

Russian troops have occupied the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, and diplomats from across the globe are working to ease tensions and force a Russian withdrawal from the region. So where is Vice President Biden (who thinks he is “uniquely” positioned to run for president because of his foreign policy experience)? He’s fundraising for Michelle Nunn [Read more…]

With Russian troops in Ukraine, American Bridge PAC’s pro-Clinton arm, Correct the Record, is bizarrely taking to social media to defend Hillary Clinton’s failed Russian ‘Reset’ policy: [Read more…]


Today Harry Reid plans to attack the Koch brothers, alleging that they are spending to rig the system for their own benefit. [Read more…]

As headlines about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continue to splash across the world’s front pages, National Review’s Jim Geraty highlights the back story behind Hillary Clinton’s now-infamous 2009 Russian “reset” photo op. According to the new book HRC, longtime Hillary aide Philippe Reines, who at the time was a Senior Adviser at the State Department, just couldn’t resist his love “of both gimmickry and iconic imagery” when trying to pick a symbol for the Administration’s newfound efforts to cozy up to Vladimir Putin:

[Hillary Clinton’s senior adviser] Philippe Reines, a lover of both gimmickry and iconic imagery, had come up with a plan to show the world a symbol of the “reset” mantra. Hillary would give [Russian foreign minister Sergei] Lavrov a gift-wrapped button emblazoned with the English and Russian words for “reset.” It seemed like a clever way to draw attention to the message, one sure to be bounced across the globe on television and in newspaper pictures. But Reines had sidestepped traditional protocol by not asking State’s team of translators to help with the project from the start. He later said he was unaware such resources were available to him.


Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced it’s top 16 candidates for taking a majority in the House of Representatives. There are just a few problems:

1. Democrats Need To Net 17 Seats To Win The House, They Only Announced 16 Candidates

As the National Journal points out in their article “Democratic Target List Shows How Hard It Is to Win the House”:

“First of all, the DCCC named 16 initial Red to Blue candidates this week, but the party needs to net 17 House seats for a majority.”

2. Two Of The Seats Are Already Held By Democrats

According to The Hill, two of the 16 seats are open races already held by Democrats:

“The committee named 16 candidates to the program, and three more districts with multiple Democratic contenders that the party has high hopes of winning. Two of those districts are open seat contests but are currently held by a Democrat.”

 3. The Chicago Tribune Endorsed The Opponent Of One Of The DCCC’s Top Candidates

Among the DCCC’s top 16 candidates is Ann Callis, former head of the “judicial hellhole” of Madison County’s 3rd Circuit Court. Just this past weekend, Callis’ primary opponent was endorsed by The Chicago Tribune, which noted

“A similar scene is playing out in the Democratic primary, where Sen. Dick Durbin’s chosen candidate is carefully insulated from anyone who might ask her a tough question. Former Madison County chief judge Ann Callis sticks to safe talking points, occasionally name-checking Durbin. Her answers to our survey are carefully scripted, heavy on promises to protect seniors and middle-class families without explaining what she’d actually do. She would not agree to be interviewed by the Tribune.”

4. A Top Democrat Candidate Lied In A Fundraising Email

Martha Robertson, the Democrat’s candidate in New York’s 23rd district, falsely accused Republicans of hacking her website in an attempt to raise money. After saying she would hire a cyber-security firm to investigate the matter, Robertson’s campaign failed to do so.

And over this weekend, The Buffalo News reported that Robertson’s campaign still hasn’t provided any public proof of the claim and the campaign wouldn’t release records to them.

The questions for Robertson’s campaign keep piling up. Last week the Tompkins County Republican Chairman James Drader filed a complaint with the state Board of Elections about Robertson’s September 30 fundraising email in which she makes the accusation that GOP operatives tried to shutdown her website.

Robertson previously said she would hire a cyber security firm to investigate, but her year-end FEC filing showed no evidence of hiring such a firm. Her campaign manager confirmed they never hired a firm and have no plans to do.

After receiving the complaint, The Buffalo News asked Robertson’s campaign to release the database cache from September 30 that would show if there had been any problems with her website. Robertson refused to release the data, and then her campaign manager refused to go on the record when asked if there was any proof that Republicans operatives were involved with Robertson’s website problems. Robertson’s strategy is apparently to avoid media questions and forget the incident ever happened, while keeping the $31,620 in personal contributions she received the day of her email.

russia reset

Welcome to our running live post on the Clinton Library document release. This will serve as a real-time source for the most interesting, humorous, and damaging revelations from the documents, keep checking back and refreshing for the latest.

1:33 PM

1. The Clinton White House was transparent about their interest in using veterans as political pawns to pass health care reform.

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2. Hillary was warned about the political fallout from including Social Security and Medicare taxes she supported in Hillarycare.

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3. Hillarycare CBO estimates were “petrifying” to Congress

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1:52 PM

4. Hehe, “Hillary could speak to young women through Internet.” Are those the tubes?


5. Just like with Obamacare, Hillary tried to “cut final deals” with key interest groups to get health care passed.

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6. Our favorite “tip” for Hillary. “Be careful to be real.” Not a great sign of authenticity when someone needs to be reminded to be real.

be real

2:23 PM 

7. The First Lady and  Senate Majority Leader’s offices thought HillaryCare might benefit from starting a “Health Care University” for members of Congress.

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8. Pete Stark, most disliked member of Congress. Ouch.

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9 White House thought Bill Clinton had as much credibility on race as Colin Powell



10. Adviser Ira Magaziner on HillaryCare. “This is a tax…a hefty tax”

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11. Nice catch by RNC Research... Advisor notes that in Hillarycare they were overpromising regarding  people having the ability keeping the doctor and plan of their choice when “we know well we won’t deliver.” Both Hillary and President Obama might’ve been served well by taking this advice. Instead President Obama has been saddled with the “Lie of the Year.

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12. “We will seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program.”

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13. Long-time advisor Paul Begala notes that Bill Clinton doesn’t know “dick” about tech issues.

begala tech 

14. A memo to top Clinton advisor Harold Ickes suggested classic Clinton threats. They proposed telling members of Congress they wouldn’t be helped electorally if they didn’t get on board with Hillarycare.

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15. White House strategists acknowledged that Hillarycare would not bring about a decrease in premiums for people or businesses.

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16. Rahm Emanuel’s message for the NRA and Charlton Heston: “Shove it up your ass”

rahm nra

That’s it for now. We’ll have a new post next Friday when another batch is released.