Meet Ann Kirkpatrick: Partisan Democrat

Category: AR PAC

MSNBC’s Morning Joe blasted Harry Reid for his hypocritical attacks on the Koch brothers, saying Reid’s actions are “beneath his office” and “out of line.” [Read more…]

More bad news today for Ann Callis, the DCCC-backed challenger in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. For the second time in two weeks, her primary opponent has received a major newspaper endorsement over her.

[Read more…]

After today’s news that the Obama administration is ordering yet another delay to ObamaCare, Mary Landrieu came out criticizing the “tweak” saying the administration’s delay isn’t enough:

Sen. Mary Landrieu suggested that the Obama administration’s latest tweak to Obamacare wasn’t good enough for her.

Landrieu even declared that she had “said from day one that this law is not perfect, and there is more we can do to improve and strengthen it.”

Except… way back when Landrieu was voting to pass ObamaCare she declared that the bill would “stand the test of time.”

It’s amazing what falling poll numbers will do to a Senator’s memory.

Today, the House voted on a bill to delay the individual mandate tax in ObamaCare for one year. However, there were two House Democrats that decided a delay was no longer necessary. In July of 2013, Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01) and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) voted to delay the individual mandate by one year, but today they voted against delaying the mandate tax. Seems they think ObamaCare is doing so well, they don’t need to support delaying the mandate anymore.

Stay calm, breathe, too late…


Read more on Mark Pryor’s dismissive comments towards Tom Cotton’s military service.


Buzzfeed reported today that nearly 10,000 Las Vegas casino workers might go on strike because they want to maintain their current healthcare benefits, benefits that ObamaCare has put in jeopardy:

Contract negotiations are stalled for thousands of workers at casinos on the Strip and in downtown Las Vegas to the point where they may go on strike — and the sticking point is Obamacare.

On Feb. 20, thousands of housekeepers, porters, cooks, cocktail servers, and others represented by Nevada’s largest union, the Culinary Union Local 226, voted to end a contract extension the workers agreed to last summer. The union wants to maintain its current benefits — including health care coverage at no cost to workers, pensions, and guaranteed 40-hour work weeks.

Rising health care costs due to provisions in the Affordable Care Act could put those benefits in jeopardy, the union says.

“The biggest hurdle to reaching settlements in Vegas is the new costs imposed on our health plan by Obamacare,” Donald “D” Taylor, president of Unite Here, the parent union of CU Local 226, told BuzzFeed in a statement. “Even though the president and Congress promised we could keep our health plan, the reality is, unless the law is fixed, that won’t be true.”

Yes, the same law that Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) unequivocally supports, and that Erin Bilbray-Kohn (D-NV) said restored healthcare “as a basic cornerstone of security for the middle class,” is the exact thing threatening the healthcare coverage of middle class workers.

It’s no wonder then that the union workers that Nevada Democrats “have long counted on” to get out the vote “might stay home” come Election Day.





Watch our new web ad that highlights the spectacular failure of the Obama/Clinton Russia “Reset” policy that we are witnessing before our eyes. For more read about Hillary’s clumsy attempt to overcompensate for this failure, watch a 2012 interview where she attacked Mitt Romney and called Russia an ally, and enjoy the Hillary “reset” meme.

Last night, Hillary Clinton invoked Nazi Germany when discussing the recent Russian occupation of Crimea, comparing Russia’s Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler.

Making her first extensive comments about the crisis in Ukraine, Clinton said at a private fundraiser in California that Putin’s campaign to provide Russian passports to those with Russian connections living outside his country’s borders is reminiscent of Hitler’s protection of ethnic Germans outside Germany, according to a report published overnight.
The Press-Telegram appears to have been the only publication present for Clinton’s remarks at an otherwise closed-press luncheon fundraiser Tuesday attended by about 250 people to benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach.

“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the ’30s,” Clinton said Tuesday, according to the Long Beach Press-Telegram. “All the Germans that were … the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”

It wasn’t too long ago that Clinton was criticizing Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election for labeling Russia a “geopolitical foe.” Clinton called Romney’s comments “dated” and instead championed Russia as an “ally.” While Russia being a foe seems “dated” to Clinton she apparently thinks Hitler is much more timely.

Clearly this is a clumsy attempt to overcompensate for the failure of one of her most visible policy pivots as Secretary of State – the “reset” in relations with Russia.

Over the past week, former “judicial hellhole” Chief Judge Ann Callis has been asked a number of questions important to Illinois voters. However, she has had a hard time giving a straight answer to those questions. [Read more…]

In an interview with NBC News, Mark Pryor dismissed Republican Tom Cotton’s military service in the U.S. Senate race in Arkansas saying that it leads to a “sense of entitlement.”

The quick rise has won him an attack ad from Pryor, who says that Cotton has “blind ambition” and a sense of entitlement that will turn voters off, even considering his military background. “There’s a lot of people in the Senate that didn’t serve in the military,” Pryor told NBC News. “Obviously in the Senate we have all types of different people, all kinds of different folks that have come from all types of different backgrounds-and I think that’s part of that sense of entitlement that he gives off is that, almost like, I served my country, let me into the Senate. But that’s not how it works in Arkansas.”