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Today DC Businessman Jeffrey Thompson was charged  for breaking campaign finance rules in a conspiracy to help Mayor Vincent Gray. This is not Thompson’s first brush with campaign finance law. He has previously come under the feds scrutiny for his involvement in funding a scheme to aid Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

Here’s what you need to know about Jeffrey Thompson and his ties to Hillary Clinton.

1. Jeffrey Thompson is a long-time donor to Hillary and Bill Clinton. He’s given to every campaign of theirs since 1992. His direct contributions have exceeded $7,500


2. Jeffrey Thompson was named a “Hillraiser” – the top bundlers who gathered lots of contributions for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign

3. Jeffrey Thompson was involved in a campaign finance scheme to funnel $600,000 off-the-books to Clinton allies in Texas ahead of the 2008 primary in order to fund a get-out-the-vote effort.

4. Minyon Moore, a top Clinton aide  identified by Politico as “Hillary’s Political Eyes and Ears” ahead of the 2016  election was identified as the go-between in the 2008 campaign who connected Thompson to those executing the Texas grassroots effort on Clinton’s behalf.

5. When a judge asked the head of the Texas grassroots scheme Jeffrey Thompson funded if there was “some cooperation” between the official campaign and his operation he said “yes.”

Yesterday, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s editorial board wrote that Mark Pryor’s (D-AR) comments attacking Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) military service as a “sense of entitlement” to run for the Senate crossed the line. As a result, the editorial board declared that Pryor’s comments “has made the choice in this race more than clear.” [Read more…]

Unite Here On ObamaCare

This weekend, a group released a new study that asserts ObamaCare will exacerbate income inequality. The author is not a conservative think tank or Republican House document, though they have repeated similar warnings since the law was rammed through Congress. No, the author of the report is UNITE HERE, a union of 300,000 workers in the hotels, food service, and gaming industries. Given that the Democrats have vowed to make income inequality a central part of their agenda for the 2014 midterms, it seems they can’t hide from ObamaCare no matter how hard they try.

For good measure: UNITE HERE is the first national union that endorsed Obama back in 2006.

UNITE HERE On The Irony Of ObamaCare:

Yesterday, Natalie Tennant put out a press release saying that she supported a bill that passed the House of Representatives that would limit EPA regulations:

“West Virginia Secretary of State and U.S. Senate candidate Natalie Tennant is supporting legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives today that would block President Obama’s plans to regulate emissions on new coal-fired power plants.”

In the same press release Tennant said she would fight Obama’s attempts to undermine coal:

“I Will Fight President Obama And Anyone Else Who Tries To Undermine Our Coal Jobs.”

But Tennant was defending Obama’s energy policy, specifically on coal as recently as 2012 according to Greenwire:

“Although many of the state’s top officials stayed away from this week’s convention, West Virginia delegates in attendance proclaimed themselves proud Democrats and defended President Obama’s stand on coal issues. … But Natalie Tennant, the West Virginia secretary of state, attended as a delegate and said the number of coal jobs has increased under Obama.”

And last year, Tennant said that the reason West Virginians don’t like the EPA because the EPA doesn’t communicate well:

“What I want to see is better communication between everyone involved. Today’s meeting is a great first step toward resolving a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of mistrust. Given the lack of communication and outreach from the EPA, it is hardly surprising that people in West Virginia have assumed the worst about the EPA.”

So what is behind Natalie Tennant’s change of heart? The Obama administration hasn’t changed their stance on coal over the last few years. What has changed is that Tennant is now running for the U.S. Senate and she realizes that West Virginia voters don’t agree with the Obama policies that she has defended in the past.

On March 4, 2014, President Obama’s FY 2015 budget detailed that the federal government would not appropriate funds to dredge the Port of Savannah. Back in September 2013, Vice President Biden visited the Port of Savannah where he pledged that they would dredge the Port of Savannah ” come hell or high water.” [Read more…]

Last night in Mark Begich’s telephone town hall, a constituent praised Begich for his support for the failed nomination of Debo Adegbile,
President Obama’s controversial choice to be assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice. Adegbile garnered opposition for his work with convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. Begich offered a spirited defense for Adegbile.

QUESTION: “I want to thank you for your vote to end the filibuster on the nominee for the Assistant Attorney General For Civil Rights and I wonder if you think that nomination could be rescued?”

BEGICH: “I don’t-that’s a great question Theeta. I’m not sure what will happen next but let me just say this on that nomination, I know there’s a lot of people out there saying you know blogosphere, it’s like that Allstate commercial about you know don’t believe everything on the internet but you know they’re out there talking about this nominee. Let me make it very clear on this nominee. This nominee, the individual that he was representing or was representing an organization that was asking a question regarding this trial, this individual was sentenced to death for killing a police officer, which he justly deserved that sentence because he did commit that crime but it was commuted to life in prison. And then five years after that, the NAACP was asked to ask the question about the jury and how the jury’s instructions were given in regards to the issue of the life sentence or the death sentence. And both a Reagan and a Bush judge has agreed with that conclusion that that NAACP attorney went through. So I-but the problem is it’s become very politicized. And it’s too bad because you know if now we’re going to judge people who want to be in positions if they were an attorney about who they represented just about every attorney’s never going to be allowed-some people might think that’s good but we’re never going to allow any attorneys to be in any position because you know under the Constitution, people have the right to be represented. So I don’t know if his nomination will be rescued or be able to be brought forward again, I honestly doubt it. But I think people have blown it out of proportion in the sense of this individual and what his role was. But just to remind folks, it wasn’t about reducing the sentence, it wasn’t about getting this person off, it was asking the question about the jury’s instructions regarding the sentencing this gentleman got for the crime he committed. And two judges agreed with the problem that was done in regards to the instructions a Bush appointee and a Reagan appointee so I just don’t think it will come back up.”

In October of last year, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter expressed her love for Rep. Alan Grayson, saying he is “driven by a moral compass that is just wonderful to behold.” This is the same man who has recently been accused of violently assaulting his wife and has called a female lobbyist a “K Street whore.” In retrospect, it is Shea-Porter’s love for Alan Grayson and his moral compass that is wonderful to behold.

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Democrats are launching an attack campaign off of Harry Reid’s over the top attacks on Republicans and the Koch brothers, which even MSNBC hosts have criticized as “beneath his office.” [Read more…]

Remember that time Hillary Clinton said Hitler comparisons were offensive? Apparently Hillary Clinton does not. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton is on a two day swing  through Canada. Yesterday when speaking before the Vancouver Board of Trade in Vancouver, Canada, Frank McKenna, the former Canadian Ambassador to the United States, tried asking Clinton about the Keystone XL Pipeline. Her response? “No Comment.” What political courage…

According to the Vancouver Sun,

Just don’t ask her about the Keystone pipeline. Frank McKenna, former Canadian Ambassador to the United States, tried Wednesday night and was met with a polite “No comment.” The former U.S. Secretary of State says it would be wrong for her to comment on a topic that is currently under consideration by her successor John Kerry.

But no sooner had Clinton refused comment than she went on to discuss the need for “greater symmetry” between the United States and Canada’s electric grids and oil and gas supply lines. “We have tremendous opportunities to be energy dependent… energy secure,” she said. This is what the Western Hemisphere should push for as a way to protect our economies in the event of instability in other parts of the world.

That’s what you call ironic, as the Keystone XL Pipeline would help the U.S. be more energy secure. But Clinton’s double talk isn’t that surprising, as her State Department thwarted and dodged on Keystone at every turn -despite multiple studies showing that the pipeline proposes little environmental risk.

As we pointed out last week, even the left wants to know where Hillary stands on Keystone, as the grassroots organization MoveOn has launched an online petition asking where’s Hillary on the Keystone XL pipeline? According to MoveOn:

We have a key strategic opportunity now to turn this around. Because it is widely assumed that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016, if she comes out against approval of the Keystone XL pipeline now, it will galvanize opposition to the pipeline among Democrats, and make it much less likely that President Obama will approve it.

So far, the petition has over 16,500 Democrat signatures.

Clinton can be expected to dodge Keystone again today as she speaks Calgary, Canada.

Clinton has not hesitated to speak about the crisis in Ukraine or the United State’s relationship with Iran. But when it comes to Keystone – Clinton continues to remain silent.