Miami Herald: Googling ‘Hillary Clinton’ in Florida? Conservative America Rising PAC has a web ad for you

Category: AR PAC

Today, Rick Nolan hired lobbyist Kendal Killian to run his 2014 reelection campaign. Killian lobbies for the labor union Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, which has given more than $500,000 in political contributions since 2004.

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According to a poll out today 48% of voters are less likely to vote for a candidate tied to Obama 

Just 26% are more likely. That is a paltry number of supporters for those Democrats up for reelection who voted with Obama over 90% of the time.

Which is bad news for Mark Begich (97), Kay Hagan (96), Mary Landrieu (97), Mark Pryor (90), Jeanne Shaheen (99), Mark Warner (97), and Mark Udall (99)

We made a handy graphic you can email, post on your wall, or snapchat to your friends to make sure they know.

Voted With Obama Graphic Website



Today on CSPAN Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) told a C-SPAN caller that it’s a good thing for 9/11 Truthers to push their Representatives to find other answers.


Earlier today, New Hampshire Executive Council candidate Mike Cryans who was heavily backed by Ready for Hillary conceded defeat in a special election to Republican Joe Kenney.

CNN reported that Ready For Hillary PAC had 20 volunteers working the Granite state’s special:

Ready for Hillary, a super PAC urging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016, is in New Hampshire on Tuesday, working to help influence a Granite State special election before voters go to the ballot box. …

According to a source close to the group, Ready for Hillary has 20 volunteers working for Democrats in Tuesday’s elections, where voters will go to the ballot box to vote on a number of local issues and candidates.

In particular, the group is focusing their efforts on a special election to the state’s five-member Executive Council where Democrat Mike Cryans is facing off against Republican Joe Kenney.

Ready for Hillary also threw a fundraiser for Florida congressional candidate Alex Sink, whose loss in last night’s special election is raising fears among Democrats about the upcoming midterms.

Last night, Democrat Alex Sink proved that going all in on #ObamaCare won’t work with voters. Here’s a roundup of what they’re saying about her loss to Republican David Jolly:

All of this is bad news for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections, as a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows that President Obama and his policies will be a drag on their endangered candidates.

Remember this headline: “Sink Embraces Affordable Care Act In New TV Ad.” And this ad from Alex Sink:

Well, Alex Sink decided she would go no holds bar in support of ObamaCare, and she lost. On MSNBC, they decided a Democrat loss in this race would be “a really bad sign” for Democrats nationally.

And Chuck Todd went even further, saying vulnerable Democrats should “run for the hills.”

The Washington Post reports that court documents outlining the charges against top Hillary supporter Jeffrey Thompson, who pled guilty in federal court yesterday to funding an illegal effort to support Clinton’s 2008 campaign, was coordinating with a campaign senior advisor. Minyon Moore, identified by POLITICO as Clinton’s “eyes and ears” for hosting strategy sessions in Clinton’s D.C. home, was “a central player in the” illegal scheme.

A key finding: though Moore may have violated campaign finance laws, the “the five-year statute of limitations has expired.” If Hillary’s 2008 team’s only refuge is a “statute of limitations” law, that might save them from jail time but will be a tougher sell to voters.

A longtime adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton personally sought and secured the funding for an illegal shadow operation to boost Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, according to court papers released as part of a wide-reaching campaign finance scandal.

Washington businessman Jeffrey Thompson, who pleaded guilty Monday on federal conspiracy charges in a case that has focused largely on District Mayor Vincent Gray’s 2010 election, told federal prosecutors that Clinton aide Minyon Moore asked him to fund pro-Clinton efforts in four states and Puerto Rico totaling $608,750 during the hard-fought 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign, the documents show. …

But Thompson, in his discussions with authorities, depicted Moore as playing a far more intimate role in the off-the-books campaign than was previously known — securing the money and helping guide the strategy by feeding internal campaign documents and receiving messages about the media coverage.

Moore’s alleged participation in the scheme could have violated federal campaign finance laws, which prohibit officers or agents of a campaign from soliciting or arranging for illegal contributions. Election law attorneys said that pursuing charges against Moore could be difficult, however, because the five-year statute of limitations has expired. …

But the new court filings, based on Thompson’s statements to prosecutors that resulted from their probe of unreported donations to local and federal candidates, portray Moore as a central player in the efforts. …

Moore, who worked as a senior staffer for President Bill Clinton and went on to serve as chief executive of the Democratic National Committee, is close to both Clintons. She has been expected to play a significant role should Hillary Clinton decide to run for president in 2016.

The documents say that Moore, who was a senior adviser to Clinton’s 2008 campaign, introduced Thompson to a New York marketing consultant named Troy White, who had unsuccessfully pitched the campaign on the use of “street teams” to improve Clinton’s standing in urban communities.

White pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor tax charge as part of the ongoing investigation.

In February 2008, after the campaign rebuffed White, the documents say, Moore asked Thompson to fund the operation, which aimed to drive up support for Clinton in a string of key primary states as she was battling Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination.

The first target was Texas. Moore introduced Thompson to a Clinton supporter in the state identified in court papers as “individual C,” who, the documents say, helped put in place the street team and canvassers. …

Moore, Thompson and White then collaborated on similar operations in Pennsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina and Puerto Rico, the court papers say.

Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC is attempting to bail-out Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) with a new television ad criticizing “New York billionaires” for holding Rahall accountable for his support for ObamaCare.

What House Majority PAC forgot to mention was that Rahall accepted $1,000 from Koch Industries in 2008.

Yes, it seems Rahall and his Washington Democrat allies were just fine with Koch Industries before Rahall decided to vote for ObamaCare and was then held accountable for his record.

Democrats are in full panic mode since a new poll showed Rahall running 14 points behind his Republican opponent, so it appears they were too distracted to remember other key details about Rahall’s record — like his devastating vote for a carbon tax and a coal miner pension tax.

Rahall’s one-two punch against coal jobs and coal miners, together with his finishing move of voting for ObamaCare, are disastrous for West Virginia.





According to an article today in Bloomberg:

Wealthy democratic environmentalists are considering withholding support for a 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential bid unless she reassures them about their top priority: Killing the Keystone XL pipeline. “She’s kind of a closed book on the environment,” said Guy Saperstein, an Oakland-based venture capitalist and former president of the San Francisco-based Sierra Club Foundation. “I, for one, would not support her until she gives us more information.”

We highlighted Clinton’s duck and dodge on Keystone here and here.

Bloomberg continues:

Betsy Taylor, a political strategist who is working with environmental activists and donors, has heard other contributors talk of backing away from Clinton without more assurances on their top issue. To ward off that action, she’s using data to nudge the would-be candidate to clarify her stance.

“Many of Mrs. Clinton’s most prominent supporters hope she will acknowledge the rapidly changing data on climate disruption,” Taylor said. “New data is in, and Hillary is a woman who respects the facts. We hope she’ll encourage the president to step up and deny this permit.”

Potential Clinton donors aren’t the only ones who see her Keystone silence as problematic. The liberal grassroots organization MoveOn has posted a petition asking where’s Hillary on the Keystone XL pipeline? So far, the petition has over 16,900 Democrat signatures.

Clinton heads to Canada again next week to speak before the Montreal Board of Trade.  Maybe the prospect of a potential donor backlash will encourage her to weigh in on Keystone – but we highly doubt it.