Kyrsten Sinema Shocked By Kirkpatrick Announcement

Category: AR PAC


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-NH) level of hypocrisy must be correlated to her level of political desperation because Shaheen’s reaching unprecedented levels with her latest ploy.

Shaheen doesn’t seem to have any message since Scott Brown entered the Senate race beyond invoking a “pledge” that would prevent groups other than campaigns from spending money advocating on key issues in New Hampshire.

But this is just a stunt Shaheen is using because of the unpopularity of Obamacare and the Democrat agenda in New Hampshire. The reality is Shaheen benefited from millions of dollars in outside money in her 2008 campaign. And Shaheen just recently attended a fundraising dinner with Tom Steyer, the Democrat billionaire who has his own “outside money” group that’s going to spend $100 million in the 2014 elections.

Steyer has made it clear that he will only spend to help Democrats – like Shaheen – who adhere to his liberal environmentalist agenda, which includes opposing the Keystone XL pipeline.

In The Associated Press’s extensive investigation of the Obama Administration’s increasingly secretive practices regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests is this amazing anecdote on a FOIA request seeking emails between reporters and top Clinton press aide Philippe Reines:

Sometimes, the government said it searched and couldn’t find what citizens wanted. …

Likewise, [John] Cook, departing as the editor at Gawker, was exasperated when the State Department told him it couldn’t find any emails between journalists and Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton’s personal spokesman when Clinton was secretary of state. …

“They said there were no records,” Cook said of the State Department.

This despite the fact that you can literally google emails of Reines caustically telling a reporter to “fuck off” for
asking tough questions about the attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi.

We’ve got one question for journalists: do you have any emails with Reines Clinton’s Department claimed never existed?

UPDATE 3/19: Per Buzzfeed the State Department took a full year to respond to the request for the emails before saying their were none. Now they are going to take another look. Buzzfeed quotes the Sunlight Foundation, “I can’t think of any legitimate reason they would withhold this.” Ridiculous.


Peterson Term Limits

Collin Peterson must be watching re-runs of Lamp Chop’s Sing-Along, Play-Along, because his career in politics is the song that doesn’t end. After 23 years in the House, Peterson just announced his intention to run for a 13th term. But if hypocrisy is the name of the game, Peterson’s the MVP…

In 1995, Peterson voted for several Constitutional Amendments that would have imposed term limits, one of which would have limited Representatives to six years in office. Peterson is now 17 years over that limit. Although the vote failed, he was “firm” in his convictions, saying:

“The term limit issue will be back before Congress in the future, and I will continue to support it.”

Fast forward to January 30, 2004, when, according to a National Journal article, Peterson went so far as to say Republicans had abandoned core issues, like term limits, leaving them with “no credibility.”

Jump to 2009, when Peterson said:

“I’m running for re-election and anyone who knows me knows that what I’m doing now is what I’ve always done.”

Democrat Edwin Edwards, a former Louisiana governor who was sentenced to 10 years in prison on racketeering charges, is out of the slammer and back on the ballot. He’ll be running for Congress this November on the same slate as Mary Landrieu. If this campaign is as…colorful…as past efforts it could result in some uncomfortable questions for Senator Landrieu.  Just how uncomfortable? Here are 5 gifs that summarize Edwin Edwards.

1. “A man is only as old as the woman he feels.” – Edwin Edwards

Edwin Edwards - Gif -1

2. “In 1997, when I saw the possibility of going to prison, I had sperm removed from me and stored.”Edwin Edwards


3. “Vote for the crook. It’s important” – Edwards Campaign Slogan


4. “Edwin Edwards Marries Prison Pen Pal Half His Age


5. Landrieu contributed to and attended an Edwards donor retreat in Paris to help retire his substantial campaign debt. (“Ten Years After Edwards Fundraising Trip to Paris, Times Picayune, 1/30/94)


Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC is up with a new ad in West Virginia that, as usual, plays fast and loose with the facts in order to bailout Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) from the double-digit deficit in his losing bid for a 20th term in Congress.

What House Majority PAC left out of its ad is that Rahall voted for H.R. 5159, The Black Lung Benefits Revenue Act of 1981, which according to a Washington Post report at the time “replenish[ed] the fund for coal miners’ black lung benefits by doubling the tax on coal while tightening eligibility rules[.]” That’s right — Nick Rahall voted to tighten eligibility for black lung benefits for West Virginia coal miners.

House Majority PAC also forgot to mention that one of the stars of their ad is a Democrat and labor union official.

It’s also no wonder that Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC has been dispatched to do whatever it takes, no matter the facts, in order to keep Rahall in Washington: a study by the liberal group Primary Colors revealed that Rahall was even more reliably liberal than this group of liberals expected.







Ann Callis, the former Chief Judge of the “Judicial Hellhole” in Madison County, has made it clear that she isn’t planning a permanent move into Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. First she admits she isn’t even attempting to buy a house in the district:

Turns out that’s right. But when I reviewed the recorded conversation I had with Callis back in May, I found that she said “I’m getting a house” in Edwardsville. She didn’t use the word “buy,” and also said later in the conversation that her word is good and she wouldn’t claim to be “renting a house in Edwardsville” while living in Troy.

She had talked about renting all along.

The real question is, will Callis be renewing the lease on her house in June. That’s right, Callis is leasing her house in the district and the lease expires in three months. Needless to say, this expiration comes far ahead of the November election…


Great news! Today, on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” John King reported that he was told two to three more House Democrats will be retiring after their party’s dismal showing in Florida this past week. [Read more…]

Collin Peterson Pushes Secession1

In 1998, Collin Peterson introduced a Constitutional Amendment to allow a part of his Minnesota district to secede from the United States to Canada.

[Read more…]

During a Q&A session at the Denver Southeast Rotary Club earlier today, ardent ObamaCare supporter Andrew Romanoff (D-CO) was asked point blank if he would have voted for it if he were in Congress four years ago. After evading the question (which was asked 3 times), Romanoff finally says he “would have preferred” ObamaCare over the healthcare system at the time.

Hillary Clinton Bored

According to a new Bloomberg poll, 51% of Americans believe Hillary Clinton is lying about her role in Benghazi. [Read more…]