West Virginia Dem Gov. Candidate Owes $2 Million, Faces Lawsuit

Category: AR PAC


In February, the state of Colorado filed a tax lien against Mark Udall’s campaign for failing to pay all of its unemployment insurance for its employees. [Read more…]


Four years ago, Democrats in Washington pushed through their massive takeover of America’s health care system. Amidst the broken promises, lost plans and doctors, and rising premiums, we need to make sure no one forgets that these Democrats voted for ObamaCare.

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President Obama has called Jeanne Shaheen a “ terrific senator.” But when asked if she wanted Obama to campaign with her in New Hampshire, Shaheen tried to avoid giving a definitive answer. [Read more…]

As reported by the Washington Examiner

President Obama is praising Jeanne Shaheen, saying she “has been a terrific senator.” [Read more…]

At today’s Minority Leader Press Briefing, Rep. Chris Van Hollen dismissed the CBO’s report that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour would cause a loss of 500,000 jobs as a “relatively small reduction in employment.”

Speaking before The American Jewish Congress yesterday, Hillary Clinton said she is “skeptical” about reaching a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran. According to The Washington Post:

Clinton said the United States should “give space for diplomacy to work” and avoid imposing new unilateral sanctions or any other actions that might lead any allies to back out of existing international sanctions against Iran.

“The odds of reaching that comprehensive agreement are not good,” Clinton said. “I am also personally skeptical that the Iranians would follow through and deliver. I have seen their behavior over years. But this is a development that is worth testing.”

If the negotiations with Iran fail, Clinton said, the United States should explore “every other option.” “Let’s be clear,” she said, “every other option does remain on the table.”

But, at the end of 2013, Clinton’s allies made sure that the media knew that if there was a deal, it would be a Clinton success story from her time as Secretary of State:

But in the minds of Clinton allies, it should be clear where she stands: She backs the diplomatic efforts, and they note she sent her top aide, Jake Sullivan, to Oman at the initiation of talks in 2011. The allies say she was closely involved in the sanctions that paved the way toward a deal, but that she’s also not jumping in to declare the job is finished.

On CNN today, the Associated Press’ Julie Pace said, “On the one hand, you have her wrapping her arms around the nuclear negotiations and then on the other hand when it looks like they’re not going to be fruitful [Clinton says] ‘Oh, I have always been

As CNN concluded on Clinton’s dance around Iran, “sounds like she’s a politician. What a shock!”

Today, Hillary Clinton speaks before the American Jewish Congress. According to The Jewish Week, The American Jewish Congress has a “proud history and a murky recent past”:

“It’s embarrassing,” said one former adviser of Clinton’s in the Jewish community. “It’s further evidence that she is living in the late 1990s. Doesn’t she realize she’ll be addressing an irrelevant organization?”

The event comes at an intriguing juncture for both host and honoree as the AJCongress struggles to regain its stature after ceasing operations and laying off most of its staff in 2010. A restructured group emerged last year, run by its longtime president, Jack Rosen, a successful businessman who was a fundraiser for Clinton’s husband, Bill, and other Democrats, including Barack Obama. He also raised funds for President George W. Bush.

AJCongress, founded in 1918 to provide a unified voice for American Jews, has a proud history and a murky recent past. When Rosen took over last year he set it up so that it seemingly consists of himself, his two sons and 16 associates and friends. The new AJCongress dispensed with regional chapters and is no longer a membership organization, though its website lists National Membership at $1,000.

The article continues:

There is speculation that Huma Abedin, a close associate of Clinton and wife of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, was asked by Rosen to make the request of Clinton to speak at the AJCongress event.

Why would Huma ask Hillary to speak before an “irrelevant” organization? In 2012, The New York Post reported Abedin and husband Anthony Weiner moved into a “sprawling, 12th-floor Park Avenue trophy residence” owned by none than Rosen Partners LLC, a firm “headed by close Clinton pal Jack Rosen.”

Some Weiner-watchers are stunned that the pol, who gave up his $174,000 salary when he resigned, and Huma, who makes around $155,000 annually, can afford the posh pad at 254 Park Ave. South at East 20th Street.

“Everyone assumes they live there for free, thanks to a donor, a friend of Bill and Hillary, or even just someone with an empty place who is connected,” the source said.

Abedin is a longtime Clinton aide who received special government employee status that allowed her to work
at the Department of State while simultaneously working as a consultant for private clients.

As Clinton is honored “by a virtual phantom of the original AJCongress” today, it takes no stretch of the imagination to wonder how Abedin, Weiner, Rosen and many other scandal-plagued Clinton allies are gearing up for 2016.


Last night, Democrats in Illinois’ 13th District went with the Nancy Pelosi, DCCC-picked candidate Ann Callis as their nominee for November. Yes, this is same Ann Callis who still needs to renew her lease in the 13th District and whom multiple newspapers chose not to endorse because of her inability to answer questions and lack of knowledge on the issues.  Great job, Democrats!

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In a Wall Street Journal op-ed out today, former 2012 Republican presidential nominee, who Hillary once mocked for his clear-eyed views on Russia and Vladimir Putin, takes her to task for a foreign policy record that leaves Americans unable to “name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office”:

Why are there no good choices? From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite—and wring our hands. …

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed.

Even the liberal New Republic magazine admitted that when it came to Russia, Romney was right. It’s too late for Hillary to change course, but will President Obama finally listen?