The Clinton Foundation Could Have Done A Simple Google Search To See Qatar’s Human Rights Violations

Category: AR PAC

When America Rising released video of Iowa Democrat Senate candidate Bruce Braley scoffing at Chuck Grassley as just “a farmer from Iowa” in front of his trial lawyer friends, for many it felt like the inverse of the classic American radio address “So God Made a Farmer” by Paul Harvey.

The address, given new life in a Dodge Super Bowl commercial, memorializes the work of the American farmer.

So we imagined what that speech would sound like in trial lawyer Bruce Braley’s hands… Watch “So God Made a Trial Lawyer



Today, The Des Moines Register reported that in Bruce Braley’s press statement after his closed-door attacks on Iowa farmers, he misspelled commonly used farm terms “detasseling” and “baling.” Typos happen, right? Well for Braley…not so much.

On Braley’s campaign website, under the 99 reasons why he should be elected to the Senate,
Braley misspelled “baled” and “detasseled.”

Braley 99 Reasons

Also on Braley’s campaign website, under “Farmers For Braley,” Braley once again misspelled “baling” and “detasseling.”

Braley Farmers For Iowa

And the Washington Examiner points out that, ironically, on Twitter Bruce Braley attacked voters for spelling things wrong. Maybe they didn’t have the advanced degree or law school experience he is so obsessed with.

Braley Spelling

Braley needs to remember: “bailing” is for trial lawyers, “baling” is for farmers.

Exactly a month ago today, Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to say that the  ObamaCare horror stories that were being told across the country were lies:

“We heard about the evils of Obamacare, about the lives it’s ruining in Republicans’ stump speeches and in ads paid for by oil magnates, the Koch brothers. But in those tales, turned out to be just that: tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies distorted by the Republicans to grab headlines or make political advertisements.”

Today, Harry Reid took to the same Senate floor to say that he had never said that any ObamaCare horror stories were lies… to his recollection:

“Mr. President, the junior Senator from Wyoming has come to the floor several times recently talking about the fact that examples that he and other Republicans have given, dealing with ObamaCare, examples that they think are bad, I’ve called lies. Mr. President, that is simply untrue. I have never come to the floor, to my recollection, and I never said a word about any of the examples that Republicans have given regarding ObamaCare and how it’s not very good.” 

So let’s go to the videotape!

In 2009, when ObamaCare passed the Senate, Udall said he was proud to be a part of the historic moment. He is so proud in fact that, four years later, he still believes ObamaCare was the right thing to do and he would vote for it again if he could. [Read more…]

Jeez. This guy is really obsessed with whether people went to law school.  h/t NRSC.

Yesterday, we revealed a video of Bruce Braley attacking Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) as “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school” at a Texas trial lawyer fundraiser.

So, how did Braley’s comments play out? Not well. Take a look below at some of the coverage over the last 24 hours.

WHO (NBC-Des Moines) 5 PM

WHO (NBC-Des Moines) 6 PM

The Des Moines Register

Braley DMR

Quad-City Times

Braley QC


Slate Gaffe of the year Braley

NBC’s Chuck Todd

Braley Chuck Todd

 The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein

Braley Huff Post


Jeanne Shaheen does not want to be seen with President Obama or his administration. Last week when asked if she wanted Obama to campaign with her, Shaheen dodged the question. She is still dodging, but we now know the answer to the question. [Read more…]

New video of Bruce Braley shows him scoffing at the notion that Chuck Grassley (R-IA) would be the next Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Braley mocked Grassley for being just a “farmer from Iowa who never went to law school.”

BRALEY: “To put this in stark contrast, if you help me win this race you may have someone with your background, your experience, your voice, someone who’s been literally fighting tort reform for thirty years, in a visible or public way, on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Or, you might have a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school, never practiced law, serving as the next Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Because, if Democrats lose the majority, Chuck Grassley will be the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

In the video, Braley is addressing a group of lawyers at a South Texas fundraiser about his ambition to be elected as Iowa’s U.S. Senator and serve on the Judiciary Committee. He told the Texas audience that they should help elect him to the Senate because he shares their “voice” and has been “someone who’s been literally fighting tort reform for thirty years.”

Obviously, Braley, who spent his entire career as a trial lawyer, has anxiety from the prospect that the next Chairman of the Judiciary Committee won’t legislate the agenda of trial lawyers’ special interests.

Mocking a “farmer from Iowa who never went to law school” seems like a bizarre strategy for courting voters in Iowa.

Related Story: Trial Lawyer Bruce Braley Tells Voter He Is A Farmer


Earlier this month, the Montana Democratic Party broke “longstanding” tradition when it endorsed John Walsh in the primary race for Senate, even though there are two other candidates running for the nomination. A party spokesman called Walsh the “only true Democrat” in the race. [Read more…]

According to a new report from the State Department’s Inspector General, the U.S. diplomatic facilities in Pakistan do not have adequate security resources a full four years after the deadly 2010 attack on the American consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan that killed consulate security, on Hillary Clinton’s watch.

[Read more…]