Clinton Has Spent The Last Month Praising A Shrinking Economy

Category: AR PAC


Mark Udall is running for re-election as a U.S. Senator from Colorado. [Read more…]

Today, Rick Weiland made the jaw-dropping claim that the ruling made by the Supreme Court in McCutcheon v. FEC, that got rid of aggregate contribution limits, was the worst ruling made by the Supreme Court since Dred Scott: [Read more…]



After the Supreme Court decided in favor of free speech in the McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission case, Sean Eldridge sent out a press release saying that the “voices of everyday New Yorkers are being drowned out.” That is rich! And thanks to Sean Eldridge, so is his campaign. [Read more…] 

A scathing report issued by the Inspector General found that the State Department’s handling of security-related funding under Hillary Clinton left diplomatic posts “more vulnerable to an attack” that could have resulted in “destruction of property, injury, or loss of life.”

If you thought mishandling security requests was isolated to Benghazi, think again.

Here are the top findings:

1.  The State Department was not adequately keeping track of the waivers and exemptions that it was granting to excuse diplomatic facilities from having to comply with federally mandated security standards.

2. A “significant number” of State Department officials believed that the process to request security-related funding was “unclear and difficult,” and that this prevented some officials from requesting the funding they needed. 

3. Of the $938 million allocated for security upgrades in FY12, State Department records only account for $76 million of that allocation being spent directly on security.

4. The lack of a standard process for making security requests left many requests unanswered, or waiting months for a response. One security official did not receive a response after ten months while other cables and emails went unanswered.

Read the full report by America Rising PAC: IG Report Finds Flaws In Way State Department Tracked Physical Security-Related Requests Before Benghazi


Today, Glenn Kessler The Washington Post’s Fact Checker, gave Senate Majority PAC “Four Pinocchios” for an attack ad against Tom Cotton (R-AR) that’s “as phony as a three-dollar bill.”

Kessler wrote that every single claim in Senate Majority PAC’s ad was false.

None of the allegations made about Cotton or his policies are factually correct. In straining to somehow tie Cotton to insurance companies, Senate Majority PAC has managed to turn a job that Democrats might celebrate (developing a better functioning government program!) into a negative. The Medicare claims are so stale-and so repeatedly discredited-we can assume that polling indicates that the language is effective in moving voters, despite its falsity.

Obviously it’s panic time for Democrats in Arkansas, but voters deserve ads based on facts, not scare tactics.

In what has become a major embarrassment for Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD), The Washington Post reports that Maryland will be getting rid of its malfunctioning Obamacare exchange tomorrow and rebuilding it from scratch.

No, this is not an April Fool’s Joke.

Maryland’s broken exchange took two years to develop and has cost $125.5 million to build and operate. It has performed significantly worse than other state-built systems and the website is STILL plagued by problems. To make matters worse, the project’s main contractor has been suing a subcontractor it hired in federal court.

O’Malley’s promise that Maryland’s state exchange would “lead the nation” never came true. The state only has seven months to build a new exchange that will undoubtedly cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. For the sake of Marylanders struggling to enroll, lets hope O’Malley’s second attempt isn’t a complete flop.

You can’t make it up.

In March, California Democrat Leland Yee – a gun control proponent – was indicted for arms trafficking and public corruption. Lee tried brokering an arms deal that included purchasing shoulder-fired missiles from Islamic rebels in the Philippines. Just everyday, up-by-your-bootstraps stuff. [Read more…]

When Hillary left as Secretary of State, her allies argued that Myanmar’s trend towards democracy was the “one clear-cut triumph” of her tenure. However, as Foreign Policy reports, the few policy areas where Clinton has claimed success, including Myanmar, are now beginning to look more like glaring failures. [Read more…]

Iowa State Daily (Braley’s alma mater student paper): “Iowans don’t need to hear that Braley has ‘tremendous respect for Iowa farmers’ after he has degraded them to a room full of donors. They need someone that will show that respect through their actions everyday and everywhere…Iowans deserve a representative that is prepared to understand and work tirelessly to promote the values and needs of his or her constituents. Not for donors in another state.”

Sioux City Journal: “Braley’s got some more explaining to do.”

Sioux City Journal Braley
Quad City Times
: “Braley wasn’t running against any farmers in his pursuit of retiring Sen. Tom Harkin’s seat. But he is now.”

Dubuque Telegraph Herald: “Braley said WHAT about Grassley?”

Omaha World-Herald: “Americans all know how productive Congress has been lately. A few more farmers might help.”