Sunday Shows Highlight Hillary Clinton’s Vulnerability

Category: AR PAC

The State Department’s Inspector General released a report recently that found the State Department mismanaged over $6 billion in taxpayer’s money. The report reviewed the management of contract documentation over the previous six years, which includes all of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary Of State.  [Read more…]


The Democrats’ Senate campaign super PAC, Senate Majority PAC, is building itself a poor track record in credibility. Today, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker called a new ad in Louisiana “very deceptive.” [Read more…]

Sean Eldridge doesn’t want to talk to reporters about himself, his campaign, or pretty much anything. Politico’s Alex Isenstadt evidently tried to interview Eldridge about his campaign and his business, but Eldridge’s campaign wouldn’t make the candidate available. This led POLITICO’s executive editor to question whether the 27 year old who is running using his husband’s Facebook fortune is actually “ready for prime time.”

Rick Berke: “So how hard did you really try to talk to Sean Eldridge?”

Isenstadt: “I tried pretty hard and it was sort of like running into a wall. You know, when I was here in the newsroom, I placed phone calls, I sent emails, I called different members of his team. Each time, I was told, ‘No, no, no, no.’ I go to upstate New York. I go to his business office, the door is locked. I go to his campaign headquarters, the door is locked. So they put up the wall pretty good on this one.”

Berke: “You were literally locked out?”

Isenstadt: “I was literally locked out. That is true.”

The New Hampshire Union Leader calls out Jeanne Shaheen for her “exceptional” hypocrisy on outside money in elections:

“Candidates for U.S. Senate from New Hampshire always raise money out of state, and Shaheen is no exception. They also tend to take a lot of special interest money, and Shaheen is no exception. But she is exceptional in portraying a potential opponent as a tool of out-of-state special interests while taking millions from out-of-state special interests herself.”

Looks like Rep. Nick Rahall is finally getting some payback for voting for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013. [Read more…]

This morning, Mark Pryor (D-AR) told KARK that he doesn’t believe 6 million Americans lost their existing health insurance because of ObamaCare. Not only did he downplay ObamaCare’s negative impact on the country, but Pryor also claimed that he would have voted for the law again.

In an attempt to shake off the elitist moniker he’s been cultivating, Bruce Braley today told The Des Moines Register that being a lawyer was just like being a farmhand:

“One of my highest honors as a lawyer was being invited into the home of my clients to share a meal. To me, it was no different than putting up hay all day in Poweshiek County and sitting down to dinner at noon with the farm family I was helping that day.”

Good attempt, Bruce Braley, Esq, but client power-lunches are not the same as a family meal after a day on the farm.

Today, The Des Moines Register reported that Bruce Braley (D-IA) explained his farmer insult against Sen. Chuck
Grassely as, “I was trying to convey that we have a different life experiences and backgrounds.” [Read more…]

Speaking earlier today at a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) event in New York City, Hillary Clinton said that while she was Secretary of State, she would have loved the U.S. foreign aid budget to make up 20-25% of federal spending:

CLINTON: “Thirdly, it’s a question of keeping support for the work of development. You all know that the polls continuously show that most people in our country think we spend 20-25 percent on foreign aid and I would have loved that to have been the case when I was at the State Department but in fact our entire diplomatic and development budget it slightly over 1 percent.”

A February poll by the Pew Research Center found that foreign aid was the top U.S. government expenditure that voters wanted to cut, preferring cuts to increases in foreign aid by a 48% to 21% margin.

Following the passage of the Cap and Trade, President Obama thanked Collin Peterson for all his hard work on the bill.

Peterson’s hard work on the bill was in fact “integral” and a “critical boost” for Nancy Pelosi.