Local Labor Organization Wants Replacement Of California Democrat With No “Backbone”

Category: AR PAC


Senate Majority PAC, the Democrat super PAC founded by former aides to Harry Reid, is finding itself in familiar territory: they are being called out for producing ads that just aren’t true. [Read more…]

University of Virginia professor Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” political forecast today moved Rep. Nick Rahall’s (D-WV) congressional race from “Toss-Up” to “Leans Republican”:

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America Rising Executive Director Tim Miller has a column out today arguing that Hillary Clinton is already a candidate for president – whether she’ll admit it or not.

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Democrats running for Governor across the country have faced a flurry of bad press this past week. Take a look at the 3 who have had the worst week [Read more…]


Senate Majority PAC, a Democratic super PAC founded by former aides to Harry Reid, has a credibility problem. [Read more…]

Alison Lundergan Grimes and Democrats like to talk about the GOP’s supposed war on women. She has accused Mitch McConnell and Republicans of having “yesterday’s view of women.” [Read more…]

While running for Secretary of State in 2008, Tennant said that she was committed to increasing voter turnout in West Virginia and she also talked about all the ways that she would make elections in West Virginia better. [Read more…]

A Florida doctor who was a generous political donor to embattled Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), billed the most to Medicare of any doctor in the country in 2012. [Read more…]

Even after Politico’s Alex Isenstadt was stonewalled, he was able to produce a thorough piece on Eldridge’s campaign.  This  in depth look into Eldridge’s campaign and business have led to new questions about Eldridge [Read more…]

In 2009, Sinema held a town hall where she talked about her exciting trip to the White House to work on what would become ObamaCare. She praises other states like Maine and Connecticut, but rips Arizona for not having good ideas on healthcare. She ends by suggesting you can’t have good healthcare without higher taxes.

Sinema hasn’t backed away in 2014 saying, “the fundamentals of the law are good.” Arizona voters must be comforted knowing that Sinema is willing to throw the state under the bus when she goes off to D.C.

h/t NRCC