Illinois Democrats Support Obamacare Despite Soaring Premium Increases

Category: AR PAC

Mary Landrieu’s newest ad is catching a lot of press, both locally and nationally, for all of the wrong reasons. In fact, NBC’s Today Show called Landrieu’s ad “pretty embarrassing.” [Read more…]

Yesterday, the Arkansas AARP was forced to issue a press release claiming that Mark Pryor’s campaign was not authorized to invoke their organization in a Mediscare attack ad on Tom Cotton. [Read more…]

In a campaign debate yesterday, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) claimed yet again that he didn’t vote for a carbon tax:

“It was then that Jenkins fired the first shot of the debate, saying Rahall voted for a ‘carbon tax’ on emissions that will end up hurting the U.S. economy, particularly in West Virginia.

“Rahall fired back that he never voted for such a thing, and that the concept of a carbon tax can’t be found in the administration’s budget.”

Let’s show Rahall how he voted for a carbon tax. In 2013, Rahall voted for the Progressive Caucus Budget.

The Washington Post said the Progressive Caucus Budget included a carbon tax, but let’s go straight to the source instead. The website for the 2013 Progressive Caucus Budget includes a link to an executive summary of their budget.


Page 8 of the executive summary states that the Progressive Caucus Budget includes a $25 per ton tax on carbon dioxide in order to “impose a price on carbon pollution.”

“Impose a Price on Carbon Pollution – We can no longer afford to ignore our responsibility to future generations to address climate change before it is irreversible. The Back to Work Budget would impose on polluters a $25 per ton price on carbon dioxide (increasing at 5.6% a year), rebating 25% of all revenues as refundable credits to protect low income families.”


Wait, what was that again? A $25 per ton price on carbon dioxide?


What? A price on carbon dioxide?


Sounds like a carbon tax to us. Enough said.


A new poll from the Washington Free Beacon shows Bruce Braley taking on water following his broadside against popular Senator Chuck Grassley and Iowa farmers that was caught on tape by America Rising.

Among the polls highlights:

  • Braley’s favorability is just barely above water with 38% of voters having a favorable impression to 37% having an unfavorable one. Meanwhile 64% of voters had a favorable impression of Grassley to only 31% unfavorable.
  • In a ballot test, Braley trails a generic Republican opponent 48%-37%
  • 80% of likely voters were familiar with Braley’s anti-farmer comments, 50% said they made it less likely they’d vote for him, 21% more likely
  • After hearing the comments, 68% disagreed with them to only 18% that agreed

Liberal trial lawyers everywhere are lamenting the results. Full poll results here.

Mark Begich has played his campaign up as 100 percent Alaskan and said that Alaskans don’t like outsiders coming in and telling them what to do:

[Read more…]

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Erin Bilbray said she would have voted for the Iraq War, but also said she thinks Edward Snowden is a hero, “aligning her with pundits and politicians who overwhelmingly opposed, in their words or votes, the war in Iraq”:

Nevada Democrat Erin Bilbray says she would have voted in favor of Operation Iraqi Freedom if she were in Congress at the time.

She also said she believes Edward Snowden—who fled to China and Russia after leaking huge amounts of National Security Agency information and is considered by many to be a traitor—a “hero,” aligning her with pundits and politicians who overwhelmingly opposed, in their words or votes, the war in Iraq.

Bilbray expressed these seemingly contradictory positions at a  Veterans in Politics International candidate forum on April 5, 2014:



Never one for modesty, Mike Bloomberg told the New York Times this week that “if there is a god…I have earned a spot in heaven.”

[Read more…]


Yesterday, Sean Eldridge’s campaign posted that they were looking for a communications director. We noticed their task list must have been cut off. [Read more…]

Today, Roll Call’s Rothenblog changed its rating in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional district from “Republican Favored” to “Safe Republican.” This is bad news for House Majority PAC, who labeled this race as a top priority for 2014. And it looks like with Mike Obermueller’s anemic fundraising numbers compared to incumbent Rep. John Kline’s, not to mention Minnesotans’ attitudes souring on Obama and his policies, Obermueller is in for a long campaign season.

Yesterday, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed a bill decriminalizing the possession of a small amount of marijuana. This came just four months after O’Malley said he was ” not in favor” of decriminalizing the drug because it could be “a gateway to even more harmful behavior.”

Can O’Malley’s flip-flop on Marijuana policy be attributed to his Presidential aspirations?

Delegate Nathaniel T. Oaks (D-MD), a long-time marijuana legalization advocate sure thinks so.

Via The Washington Post

Del. Nathaniel T. Oaks (D-Baltimore), who has advocated for decriminalization of marijuana for more than a decade, said he was glad to see the governor come on board and attributed his position in part to his presidential aspirations.