Hillary Clinton Thought Terry McAuliffe Would Be A Good Commerce Secretary

Category: AR PAC

This morning, California Democrat Ami Bera laughably tried to take credit for finding middle ground and working on bipartisan spending solutions.

Amidst Bera’s outlandish “bipartisan” rhetoric, he forgot to mention that he has voted against all 12 budget proposals offered on the House floor in the last two years. His obstructionism even earned him membership in the “Party of No” from The Los Angeles Times:

“But it was Democrats like Bera in competitive electoral environments who formed the largest bloc of ‘no’ voters during last month’s budget debate, the first opportunity lawmakers had this year to weigh in on the crucial taxing and spending battles ahead.”

So while Bera claims to support bipartisan spending solutions, he couldn’t support a single one offered by Republicans or Democrats, nor would he offer up his own solution on the House floor.

Yet another poll released today shows Hillary Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. The poll, conducted by Monmouth University, is the fifth consecutive survey to show Clinton trailing Sanders in the Granite State. [Read more…]

It’s long been reported that Democrats have a primary problem, but in key states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Florida, it’s become a full-blown crisis. [Read more…]

National Journal: “The early reviews have been good for Ben Ray Lujan, but his chances of winning back the majority remain almost nonexistent.” [Read more…]


Andy Beshear, Democrat candidate for Kentucky Attorney General has relied on his father’s name to raise millions for his first foray into politics. Perhaps part of relying on your dad for fundraising requires that you include him in your TV ad spots.

Fundraising comes easy when your Governor-father lends a hand. One corporate spokesperson stated, “when the governor asks you to help his son, that’s what you do, you help his son.”

One of Beshear’s first fundraisers was with lobbyist David Whitehouse who boasted of having contacts “at the highest level” of Kentucky government. That December 2013 fundraiser raised $20,800.

Such fundraising tactics have raised concern from liberal watchdog group Common Cause Kentucky. Common Cause Chairman Richard Beliles said that it is hard to see how Beshear can serve as the people’s lawyer, while receiving so much money from special interests.

In the same ad Beshear says, “I’ll stand up for Kentucky just like my dad. As Attorney General, I’ll fight the Obama administration’s threats to our coal industry.” His father doesn’t have a record of standing up to Obama, and in fact, attended Obama’s 2014 state of the union address as a guest of the President. In 2008, Governor Beshear “proudly” cast the Kentucky delegates’ votes for Barack Obama, and repeated his “proud” endorsement of the president in 2012.

Kentucky deserves better than political offspring raised to serve special interests.

Catherine Cortez Masto’s campaign is not getting off to a good start. Harry Reid’s handpicked successor has been largely absent on the campaign trail, and her few forays into campaigning have resulted in gaffes and bad headlines. [Read more…]

According to a new Washington Post/ABC national poll released today, Hillary Clinton has dropped 21 points since July. This is just the latest in a string of polls that show Clinton in a downward spiral.

On Sunday, CBS News released a poll conducted by YouGov showed Hillary Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by 10 points in Iowa, 43%-33%, and by 22 points in New Hampshire, 52%-30%.

A Quinnipiac University poll released on September 10 showed Sanders getting 41% of the vote in Iowa to Clinton’s 40%.

Clinton’s troubling poll numbers dominated the morning news. MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel found the CBS News poll rather disturbing for the Clinton campaign.

Willie Geist noted: “There is no question anymore that the accumulation of stories about the email server, about her trustworthiness, all that is taking its toll.”

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie called the new polls “surprising” and said Hillary Clinton’s deficit to Sanders is “substantial.”

And on CNN, Michaela Pereira said that Hillary Clinton’s numbers are headed in the wrong direction.

Despite Clinton’s claims that her email scandal isn’t impacting her campaign, polls would suggest otherwise.

A new poll from CBS News, conducted by YouGov, shows Hillary Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by 10 points in Iowa, 43-33. And in New Hampshire, Sanders is up a whopping 22 points on Clinton—52-30. [Read more…]

With Michael Bennet’s recent support for the flawed Iran nuclear deal, it appears as if the Colorado senator is repeating his party’s history of underestimating foreign threats.

It was just a year ago that former Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, a fellow Democrat, was making the same mistake. At the 2014 CLUB 20 fall meeting, Udall shared his misguided views of foreign policy by saying that ISIS “does not present an imminent threat” to our nation.

And now a year later, nothing has changed for the Centennial state as another Democrat senator grossly minimizes the danger a foreign threat poses to the safety of the American people.

Following Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s criticism of Hillary Clinton’s controversial use of a private email server and personal email account while Secretary of State, America Rising PAC filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for any state-related emails Gov. McAuliffe sent or received from a personal email account since taking office. [Read more…]