Event For Tots “Imagination Playground” CANCELLED To Accommodate Hillary Clinton’s 2nd Campaign Launch

Category: AR PAC

Trial lawyer cronies seem to be behind the ad that came to Bruce Braley’s rescue early this month after video of Braley insulting Chuck Grassley and Iowa farmers surfaced on March 25. [Read more…]

After flip-flopping on the All Aboard Florida rail line earlier this month, Patrick Murphy has now begun weaving and bobbing on the issue. CBS 12 said Murphy “didn’t directly answer all of our questions” during a forum on the All Aboard Florida project, including what letter grade he would give the proposed rail line.

Murphy needs to reassure his constituents after his All Aboard Florida flip-flop that he is serious on the issue, and answering the media’s questions would be a pretty good start.

Jeanne Shaheen loves ObamaCare and she’s not going to let constituents whose premiums have gone up get in the way of that. Shaheen was on WKBK’s Good Morning With Dan Mitchell radio show in New Hampshire when a caller called up to express his concerns about ObamaCare. [Read more…]

House Majority PAC announced this morning that they have placed $6.5 million in television ad reservations in 24 congressional districts. A closer look at the numbers shows that they are spending more money playing defense than offense. Turns out, House Majority PAC is spending money in 18 of the 24 districts to shore up vulnerable incumbents, which ultimately amounts to 78% of the $6.5 million they’re spending.

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that Democrats have one thought on their minds when it comes to November: Uh oh.

Just WOW! [Read more…]

While continuing to trail Attorney General Greg Abbott 37 percent to 51 percent, and with nearly half of all registered Texans viewing her unfavorablyit is doubtful news of an FBI probe into Wendy Davis’ work at the North Texas Toll Authority will give her the boost she is looking for.



Politico reported today that internal Democrat polling shows that Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) “now trails his Republican opponent significantly” and that many Democrat operatives “no longer think it’s possible” for Michael Wager (D-OH) to win:

They’ve been conducting polling much earlier in the election year than they initially anticipated.

Democrats privy to the survey data say West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall, a 19-term incumbent who’s been pummeled by the Koch ads, now trails his Republican opponent significantly. Two other Koch targets, Arizona Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick and Ron Barber, have seen their poll numbers drop but are in better shape than Rahall.

Many Democratic operatives, for instance, no longer think it’s possible to unseat freshman Rep. David Joyce, a Republican who occupies a swing district in northeast Ohio. After starting the 2014 election with around three dozen pickup opportunities, some strategists believe that figure is down to between 20 and 24.

The Associated Press story about Natalie Tennant’s position on energy omitted some key facts about her record.

[Read more…]

Remember when Jeffrey Thompson pled guilty to campaign finance violations after secretly spending more than a half-million on a secret get-out-vote effort for Hillary in 2008? Well it looks like another person intimately connected to her failed Presidential campaign has got himself in trouble.

Earlier today, major Democratic fundraiser Sant Chatwal pled guilty to witness tampering and conspiracy to evade campaign finance laws in a Manhattan Federal Court. The candidates he broke laws for have not been identified yet. However, Chatwal was a bundler for Hillary Clinton in 2008 and planned to raise $5 million for her through a group he created called Indian Americans for Hillary 2008.

What we do know is that this is hardly the first time Chatwal has been charged with a crime. In fact, it’s the fourth. Let’s recap:

When questions about Chatwal’s involvement in Hillary’s Presidential campaign arose, a Clinton spokesman said that nothing in Chatwal’s background raised concerns about his involvement in the campaign.

There certainly should’ve been.

UPDATE: POLITICO reports that Chatwal’s campaign finance violations include illegal straw contributions to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign.


Today, the Washington Examiner reported that Media Matters for America, a self-described “progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media” is ironically, resisting an effort by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500 to unionize its staff.

According to the Examiner,

Last week, the union filed a representation petition with the National Labor Relations Board, indicating that the nonprofit media watchdog organization rejected an effort by the union to organize MMFA’s staff through a Card Check election.

But the filing does indicate that MMFA is not automatically accepting Local 500’s attempt to represent its staff. The nonprofit media watchdog group has hired the law firm Perkins Coie, which specializes in representing management in labor disputes, to represent it before the board.

Interestingly, just this year, Media Matters criticized “right-wing media outlets who have long engaged in a campaign to demonize organized labor” as “contributing to economic inequality as economists point to declining union participation as one cause of the growing economic rift in America.” And, just last month, Media Matters cited a report by the Economic Policy Institute titled “Unions Increase Productivity Through A Variety Of Channels,” drawing attention specifically to “the benefits of unions in restoring and strengthening the middle class.”

As they say, if you can’t beat them, join them!