Sweden Lobbied Clinton’s State Department While Donating $26 Million To The Clinton Foundation

Category: AR PAC

money counting

Yesterday, Alison Lundergan Grimes finally took a position on the Keystone pipeline and called on Obama to approve the project. Until now, Grimes had refused to take a position on the oil pipeline, prompting MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough to say she was “twisting in the wind.” [Read more…]

Top advisor to Alison Lundergan Grimes, Rep. John Yarmuth said, once she gets “more comfortable” and has a “better understanding” of Obamacare that she’ll be a more outspoken supporter.

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You think Hillary has an “accomplishment problem” ahead of her book release? Look at the 10 people who can’t name a noteworthy accomplishment:

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Talking Points Memo is out with a story on our opposition research efforts aimed at derailing Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Highlights:

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At yesterday’s State Department press briefing, spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked a simple question by AP reporter Matt Lee. What accomplishment can be cited from the review of Hillary Clinton’s State Department. She was stumped.

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In the past, Gary Peters has been very open about how awesome he thinks ObamaCare is.

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Michelle Nunn Revolving Door

Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn just released a new campaign ad where she promised to ban former members of Congress from becoming registered lobbyists.

While she’s decrying lobbyists and special interests, Nunn failed to mention that she has been raising money from the very same people she says she wants to ban. [Read more…]

Clay Aiken’s car has a lot of tint. You might say it makes him “invisible.” You might even want to sing along to “Invisible” by Clay Aiken while you look at it.

Unfortunately for candidate Aiken though, North Carolina has strict laws regulating tinting and his car doesn’t seem to be up to code.

The Washington Times reports that Hillary Clinton oversaw the direct grants of American aid to departments within the Afghan government known to be rife with corruption. Under a policy that USAID said was “reaffirmed” by Hillary Clinton, waivers were granted for millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded aid destined for Afghanistan.

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It has become increasingly clear that the only way to get anything done in the Senate is to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader. Red State Democrats sure can’t do it. [Read more…]