Clinton Allies To Julian Castro: Back Off

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday, Chuck Williams, senior editor to Columbus’s Ledger-Enquirer, wrote a scathing column on Michelle Nunn’s snub of Columbus’s Democrat primary debate.

Williams noted that Nunn “lost my respect” because she “ducks the debate where she and her handlers can’t control the questions or environment.”

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Last week the State Department announced it was seeking a “Contract Inspector” to provide additional oversight on the department’s contracts. This posting comes 3 weeks after it was reported that Hillary Clinton’s State Department could not account for $6 billion spent on contracts. Here’s a look at the ad:


On MSNBC this morning, Bruce Braley awkwardly attempted to defend his comments attacking Chuck Grassley as an Iowa farmer who is unfit to lead the Senate Judiciary committee.  Instead of being contrite, Braley offered a ham-handed defense saying his comment was “no different than asking a group of farmers if a lawyer is qualified to lead the Agriculture Committee.”  Uh…not quite.



Today, Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) went on WCVB and warned that Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-NH) negative was her support for ObamaCare. [Read more…]

In a closed-door meeting on Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders that Israel could become “an apartheid state.[Read more…]

Today, The Weekly Standard reported that Alison Lundergan Grimes’s campaign, whom EMILY’s List endorsed, responded to a question on her position on partial-birth abortion with an answer that EMILY’s List might not like: “Alison opposes late-term abortions.” [Read more…]

Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Michelle Nunn has missed every single Democrat primary debate this year. Thus far, Nunn has missed more than a half-dozen debates, but Harry Reid thinks she’s “running extremely well.” [Read more…]

Yesterday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer said if the election were held today that Steve Daines would win the Senate race against John Walsh. [Read more…]

With Jeanne Shaheen’s latest act of hypocrisy, she has undermined the argument that she made central to her campaign. It was only a month ago that Shaheen was hypocritically decrying outside groups in New Hampshire’s U.S. Senate race during her announcement. [Read more…]

After the State Department’s spokesperson was unable to identify a Hillary Clinton accomplishment in the QDDR review on Tuesday, she regrouped the following day and read generic talking points that listed supposed accomplishments without much detail.

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