Joaquin Castro Caught Between Twin Brother & Unions On Trade

Category: AR PAC

Bruce Braley hauled in at least $60,100 from Texas trial lawyers in the first quarter, according to the campaign’s FEC report.

That’s the same Texas where Braley hosted his trial lawyer fundraiser and got caught on camera bashing Iowa’s farmers amidst a promise to be the “voice” of trial lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee. [Read more…]

State Dept Benghazi Email

After yesterday’s bombshell report on a new White House email that was disclosed by Judicial Watch, showing senior White House aides directing Susan Rice to push a false narrative about the Benghazi terrorist attack on Sunday talk shows, The Daily Beast is reporting that the State Department withheld the email from Congress. Despite a legitimate Congressional subpoena, the State Department withheld the email from the House Oversight Committee until the same day that it was forced to hand over a copy to Judicial Watch, following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.

The Daily Beast has learned that these latest emails were only provided to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform two weeks ago, despite requests from the committee for such material that date back to August 2013. The committee received them on April 17, the same day they were received by Judicial Watch. …

Of the congressional committees investigating Benghazi, the House Oversight Committee has received the least amount of cooperation from the Obama administration.

Alison Lundergan Grimes did her best to avoid the media in Chicago this week as she attended the Democracy Alliance meeting—a closed-door gathering that features bigwig liberal donors like Tom Steyer and Jonathan Soros. However, she couldn’t avoid the cameras altogether.
[Read more…]

A New Jersey Democrat was caught using a racial slur on a Belleville, NJ councilman’s answering machine. A forensic lab confirmed the voice on the message is that of Marie Strumolo Burke, a Belleville councilwoman and mayoral candidate. [Read more…]

Michael Eggman is running for Congress in California’s 10th Congressional district and is busy trying to make it past his fellow Democrat challenger in the June 3 primary. As of now, there is one vote Eggman won’t be getting, his own! That’s because he isn’t registered to vote in the district. He currently splits his time between the district and Fresno where he’s registered to vote. It seems unlikely the voters of California’s 10th district are looking for a congressman who will represent them half the time.

Mississippi Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson went on a tirade this weekend on a New Nation of Islam radio show. Thompson declared that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “doesn’t like black people, he doesn’t like being black.” He goes on to call him an “Uncle Tom.”

He also labels Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as a “racist” because of his opposition to President Obama’s policies, and says Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant opposes expanding Medicaid through Obamacare “just because a black man created it.”

UPDATE: Rep. Thompson is doubling down on his accusations of racism, telling CNN’s Dana Bash “I’ve been here a long time. I’ve seen a lot of issues come before Congress. I’ve never seen the venom put forth on another candidate or a president like I’ve seen with this president and that’s my opinion.”

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Yesterday, ethically challenged Democrat Charlie Rangel took to the House floor to rail against those who “don’t believe that the Union won” the U.S. Civil War.  Uh, what?

A new batch of documents, released by Judicial Watch, casts further doubt on the Obama Administration’s motivations for falsely blaming the attack in Benghazi on a protest sparked by an internet video, rather than on a pre-planned terrorist attack.

One key email, from White House aide Ben Rhodes, which was sent to a who’s who of top White House aides, including Senior Advisor David Plouffe and Press Secretary Jay Carney among others, describes the goals for a “prep call” with then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, who would go on to all five Sunday talk shows and promote the false narrative.

The September 14, 2012 email lists the top goals of the call, including: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”


This is possibly the most explicit evidence that the White House and State Department were citing the video to avoid the political ramifications in an election year.

Read more from Judicial Watch.

Jeanne Shaheen’s blatant super PAC coordination is boiling over now, as national and local news outlets are decrying Shaheen’s “important message” to outside groups as “a new level of brazenness” and “amazing hypocrisy.”

Today, former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu is calling on Shaheen’s campaign to pull the ad as the FEC conducts an investigation into the coordination. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton wouldn’t spurn Democratic grassroots activists to schmooze with the fancy Wall Street types in New York City right? Let’s be serious. Of course she would. Here are Hillary’s priorities…

Clinton Said NO to Netroots Nation, an annual convention for liberal activists and bloggers being held in Detroit that will feature panels and workshops on themes such as “fighting against corporate influence.”

Clinton Said YES  to a fundraiser for the Crisis Group at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, where rooms start at $500/night. “Premier” tickets to the event are being sold for a measly $150,000.