Democratic Leader Feels Anti-Trade Union Onslaught

Category: AR PAC


Over the past week, Hillary Clinton has raised awareness for the more than 270 girls that were kidnapped in Nigeria by Boko Haram. #BringBackOurGirls has been a rallying cry on Twitter for human rights activists and the global community as a whole. However, when she had the opportunity to brand the group a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) and help US law enforcement agencies cope with the growing threat Boko Haram posed, Clinton dropped the ball. A former senior US official called it “gross hypocrisy.”

Last night, The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin published a story detailing how Hillary Clinton’s State Department ignored pleas by the US Justice Department, FBI, CIA and numerous lawmakers to designate Boko Haram as a FTO. There wasn’t a partisan divide either. Lisa Monaco, currently at the White House, said that Boko Haram met the criteria for a foreign terrorist listing because the group carried out violent attacks against “police, politicians, public institutions and [the] civilian population.” General Carter Ham, the chief of US Africa Command, said that Boko Haram provided a “safe haven” for Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and was likely sharing explosives and funds with the group.

Unfortunately, Hillary’s inaction could have serious consequences. Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-PA) told The Daily Beast that US law enforcement agencies might be in a better position to help search for the girls had Clinton not dropped the ball.

Of course we haven’t heard her side of the story. As Rogin noted in his article, representatives for Clinton did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Read the full piece here:

Senator Mary Landrieu took to the Senate floor this afternoon, desperately pushing for Keystone to pass after saying she would get 60 votes [she didn’t]. Landrieu warned that not passing the Keystone XL Pipeline would make the U.S. too weak to stand up to other countries. [Read more…]


Ruben Wills, a Democrat NYC councilman, was arrested today and charged with misusing public funds. Wills was under investigation by the state attorney general in connection with tens of thousands of dollars that went missing from… wait for it… a charity Wills used to run. [Read more…]

Kay Hagan i dont like you

Kay Hagan has a big problem: she can’t rally Democrat support around her reelection.

Last night, over 100,000 North Carolina Democrat primary voters chose to vote for one of Hagan’s anonymous challengers rather than stomach supporting her reelection to the Senate. [Read more…]

Early this morning the Philadelphia Inquirer passed over DCCC-backed candidate Kevin Strouse on their way to endorsing Shaughnessy Naughton in Pennsylvania’s 8th district Democrat primary race. The Inquirer dinged Strouse’s knowledge of the issues and carpetbagging: [Read more…]

Anything for a buck.

Kyrsten Sinema and her campaign sent an email today about the 40 veterans who “may have died while waiting for care” at the Phoenix VA Medical Center. Sinema calls it “immoral, unconscionable and, frankly, un-American.”

[Read more…]

The hits just keep coming for Natalie Tennant.

There is yet another example of Natalie Tennant not being a competent Secretary of State in West Virginia. On Sunday, The Exponent Telegram reported that Tennant’s office was late to send out mailing labels to the county clerks [Read more…]

Kay Hagan is running for reelection in North Carolina. [Read more…]

We weren’t aware people in 2014 still used “Mary” as a slur but Democrat House Rep Scott Peters and liberal blogger John Aravosis thought that was an appropriate put-down of openly gay Republican House candidate Carl DeMaio.

How “progressive” of them. [Read more…]