Strickland: My Dream Job Was Being A Lobbyist For A Far-Left Special Interest Group

Category: AR PAC

Last week the Daily Beast reported that Hillary Clinton’s State Department ignored pleas by the US Justice Department, FBI, CIA and numerous lawmakers to designate Boko Haram as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Since then, Hillary has been silent, as questions mounted. 

Pressure on Hillary Clinton grew over the weekend as critics called into question her judgment:

  • Mitt Romney said that Americans “would like to hear” from Hillary on Boko Haram.
  • Marco Rubio highlighted the Obama Administration’s pattern of incompetence on foreign policy including the State Department’s refusal to label Boko Haram a terrorist group.
  • This morning on Daily Rundown, Chuck Todd said that in hindsight this decision “looks awful” and Maggie Haberman noted that it was part of Hillary’s “bad week.”

Scott Brown, Newt Gingrich, Sen. Jim Risch, and others have all raised questions for Clinton as well.

But as is her habit, Hillary is remaining silent on the tough questions in preparation for a 2016 campaign.


Last year, Mary Landrieu said that if her constituents did not like ObamaCare they could “unelect” her. Well, Southern Media and Opinion Research released a poll that showed that could be the direction Louisiana voters are heading. [Read more…]

Few objects across the country elicit more passion and outrage than campaign yard signs. That’s no different in Maryland, where two Democrat candidates for state senate are practically turning it into an episode of Judge Judy. [Read more…]

Earlier this week, it was revealed that the Hillary Clinton-led State Department refused to designate Boko Haram, the group that recently kidnapped over 250 Nigerian Schoolgirls, as a terrorist group. [Read more…]

Doing his best Elizabeth Warren impersonation, Vice President Joe Biden delivered “populist” remarks at a “closed-door fundraiser” in South Carolina yesterday. One attendee described Biden’s speech as “a preacher delivering a sermon.”

What was the Veep so excited about? Slamming the Clintons from the left on income inequality! [Read more…]

WBRZ reported last night on how Mary Landrieu admitted that parts of her controversial ad were fake. Landrieu also side-stepped questions about whether she’d vote for ObamaCare again, despite saying that she believes in ObamaCare. [Read more…]

The Baltimore Sun is reporting that Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown hired his own makeup artist for his debate performance this week. Despite the other candidates using the TV station-provided makeup artist, Brown’s campaign (he’s a Democrat running for governor) insists “he’s no diva.”
[Read more…]

This morning, Gov. Mitt Romney addressed Hillary Clinton’s failure to label Boko Haram–the organization responsible for stealing hundreds of Nigerian girls–a terrorist organization.

This inaction raises many questions for Clinton and her State Department, including what her motivations were and does she consider it a mistake. [Read more…]

Newly uncovered audio depicts Mark Pryor lecturing college students at Ouachita Baptist University with some pretty bizarre political spin.

First, Pryor told the students that the only reason why he got into politics was because “basically I just kind of grew up around it.” [Read more…]

In last night’s report by Josh Rogin, on how Hillary “fought hard” against efforts by the FBI, CIA and the Justice Department to label the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), “Representatives for Clinton did not respond to multiple requests for comment.”

Here are a few unanswered questions for Hillary Clinton:

  1. In hindsight, do you believe not labeling Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) before you stepped down as Secretary of State was a mistake?
  2. What was the reasoning for not labeling Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)?
  3. Voices within the Department of Justice, CIA and members of Congress argued that you should label Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization? What counsel within the State Department or elsewhere were you given in opposition of these other agencies and lawmakers’ advice?
  4. Were you reluctant to name Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization because it would contradict President Obama’s election year rhetoric that “Al Qaeda is on the run”?
  5. Last night, you noted that “this is not the first assault on a school that Boko Haram is responsible for,” and said as Secretary of State, you had “numerous conversations” on the issue with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan about the issue. If you were asking Nigeria to do more, should the U.S. have done more, and labeled Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization?