Detroit Mayor Says Bill Clinton Is Single Largest Purchaser Of Luxury Watches

Category: AR PAC

Today, Hillary heaped praised on Israel and took a victory lap for her record on Israel in a speech at the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum. But Hillary’s record at the State Department tells a different story. [Read more…]

Yesterday, Bill Clinton praised Maryland gubernatorial candidate and current Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown for fixing problems with Maryland’s healthcare exchange and boosting state enrollment. [Read more…]

Earlier today/Yesterday, The Miami Herald reported that a Democrat Super PAC had to change it’s pro-Joe Garcia ad after they used some B-Roll footage from Joe Garcia’s campaign website: [Read more…]

Watch as Michelle Nunn makes it clear that she’s too good to have an honest discussion of the issues that concern Georgians.

Just last week, the DCCC was touting the “Democrat” candidate, Ed Jany, in Florida’s 13th congressional district, adding him to their “Emerging Races” program: [Read more…]

A grand display of ineffectiveness, and arguably ineptitude, was on full display last night in the U.S. Senate as Jeanne Shaheen’s self-proclaimed “most defining piece of legislation”—an energy bill known as Shaheen-Portman—failed a cloture vote 55-36. [Read more…]



On the campaign trail, Andrew Romanoff (D-CO) has repeatedly decried the hyper-partisanship in Washington. During remarks in Denver, CO last March, Romanoff said what Congress and the country need now “are men and women of good will who will take an oath not to a political party, but the constitution [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu dodged Louisiana media yesterday after an event. [Read more…]

Here are four moments from the Georgia Senate Democrat debate that Michelle Nunn won’t feature in her TV ads: [Read more…]