Bill Clinton’s Best Guess Why People Donated To Clinton Foundation: “You Never Know” What They Wanted

Category: AR PAC

In a new piece titled “Hillary Clinton Celebrates The Iran Sanctions That Her State Department Tried To Stop,” Josh Rogin corrects the record on a narrative Clinton is trying to spin ahead of a possible Presidential campaign. [Read more…]

Earlier today, America Rising caught up with Jeffrey Thompson as he left the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Thompson was attending a court hearing related to his guilty plea for illegally fundraising more than $660,000 for former DC Mayor Vincent Gray. This wasn’t Thompson’s first campaign-related impropriety. In 2008, he ran an illegal shadow campaign for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Check out the video here:

This morning, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki testified in front of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee regarding the management of the agency in the aftermath of the 40 veterans in Phoenix who died waiting for care. [Read more…]

Back when Tennant was running for the office of Secretary of State, she said that she was committed to increasing voter turnout in the state, noting it as one of her goals when she lost the race in 2004, and again in 2008. [Read more…]

Earlier today, the Senate Subcommittee on African Affairs held a Hearing on Boko Haram. After tough questions by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), the State Department’s Robert Jackson admitted that, in retrospect, the Department should have declared Boko Haram a FTO earlier. [Read more…]

In an interview today with WCNY’s Susan Arbetter, Sean Eldridge once again refused to say whether he would or would not support Nancy Pelosi to lead House Democrats if he is elected. Eldridge has twice before refused to tell voters about his support for Pelosi. [Read more…]

The spirit of the Chicago Black Sox lives on! The Chicago Sun-Times reported this morning that Chicago Democrat and Ex-City Hall official John Bills took bribes to steer $124 million in taxpayer dollars to Redflex Traffic Systems—a red-light camera company. [Read more…]

Things have not looked good for the DCCC this week. Today, former DNC Chairman and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell endorsed Shaughnessy Naughton in the PA-8 Democrat primary over the DCCC’s pick in the race, Kevin Strouse.

This comes only a day after “Democrat” candidate Ed Jany, who the DCCC picked in Florida’s 13th Congressional district, dropped out of the general election race.

And, well, we don’t really need to explain this last “pick,” brought to you by one of the DCCC’s 2013-2014 Frontline Program members…







This morning on MSNBC, when asked if Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki should resign following the tragedy at the VA hospital in Phoenix, Sen. Jon Tester told the crew at Morning Joe “No. I don’t think so.” [Read more…]


In an interview today with Hoppy Kercheval on MetroNews, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) said he supported then-Sen. Barack Obama for president in 2008 because he thought Obama was pro-coal. [Read more…]