Hillary Clinton’s Senior Staff Struggles To Answer Simple Questions On The Eve Of Campaign Reset

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday, Democrat Sean Eldridge was raising money in Washington, DC. One of the hosts of his fundraiser was Steven Elmendorf, a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs. In fact, Elmendorf and his lobbying firm have received $1.65 million in lobbying fees from Goldman Sachs. Elmendorf has given the maximum $5,200 to Eldridge’s campaign. [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn is running for U.S. Senate in Georgia. [Read more…]

When Democrat State Senator Jack Hatch entered the Iowa governor race, his campaign released an absurd attack ad showing just how weak his campaign against Governor Terry Branstad was. The ad criticized Branstad for… speeding.

And guess what happened on Monday? Irony struck [Read more…]

NBC’s SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: “Let’s talk about some of the issues in your district. As you well know, Fort Bragg is in your district. Your brother served two tours of duty in Iraq. I’m sure you’re following what’s happening with the scandal at the Veterans Administration, with the delays in treatments for vets. Do you think Eric Shinseki, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, should resign?” [Read more…]

Erin Bilbray (NV-03) is the one Democrat still flip-flopping on the Iraq War.

In June 2007, as a paid activist for Americans United For Change — an organization described by FactCheck.org as “a liberal group whose message” today “closely mirrors that of the Obama White House” — Bilbray led a protest against the Iraq War and said “it’s time to bring our troops home and spend more money on domestic issues like school.” [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn’s Senate campaign has a messaging problem. In four different interviews, Nunn and her campaign refused to say how she would have voted on ObamaCare if she were in Congress when the law passed. [Read more…]

WCVB’s “On The Record” quizzed Martha Coakley on the state’s gas tax this past Sunday. When asked how many cents/gallon the tax is, Coakley looked confused and took a wild guess of 10 cents.

She was way off. [Read more…]


If Andrew Romanoff thought he could whisk Howard Dean in and out of Colorado for a fundraiser and not create some kind of controversy, he must not know Howard Dean very well. [Read more…]

4 years after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake leveled the country’s capital and caused damage across the country, many of the reconstruction projects led by former President Bill Clinton as head of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) have failed. In one case, an IHRC project left Haiti on the hook for millions, according to the Wall Street Journal.

[Read more…]

In the midst of his campaign, Braley seems to have forgotten about the 230,000 Iowans still waiting for healthcare.

This weekend, Braley told the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier that Americans “can’t afford” to go back to a time before ObamaCare. According to Braley, ObamaCare has “changed all that” for the 50 million previously uninsured. [Read more…]