Sunday Morning Show Round-Up: Clinton Was “Flat”

Category: AR PAC

Mary Landrieu said in an interview with NBC News’ Kasie Hunt that she would support Harry Reid for Senate majority leader again. [Read more…]

“The behavior of Rep. Dan Maffei is not acceptable.”

That’s the way a local Syracuse newspaper began its editorial today, lambasting Maffei for ignoring his constituents and for being “missing in action on the campaign trail.” [Read more…]

Yesterday, BuzzFeed wrote an article titled “The Wait For Hillary Clinton’s New Book – And Policy Specifics” that details how many of Hillary’s own supporters aren’t quite sure where she stands on the issues. The most glaring one is Ready for Hillary – the very group that Hillary loyalists rush to donate to and support. [Read more…]

Today, Joe Biden will be headlining a fundraiser with Democratic megadonor and environmentalist Tom Steyer in San Francisco. Steyer, a retired hedge fund manager who accumulated over $1.5 billion before his retirement, is planning to spend $100 million to support Democrats during the 2014 election. [Read more…]

Boston Globe

Over the weekend, The Boston Globe ran a front page story examining just how much of a partisan liberal Jeanne Shaheen has been since she went to Washington, D.C. Here’s what the Globe found: [Read more…]

In newly released excerpts from her upcoming memoir Hard Choices, Hillary Clinton waits – until just a few paragraphs in – to take a thinly veiled shot at President George W. Bush, just before decrying the partisanship ofWashington’s long-running soap opera.” [Read more…]

Today, the National Review reported that Michelle Nunn’s non-profit resume included significant layoffs while her compensation simultaneously increased.

From 2007 to 2010, Nunn guided her charity group through a merger that reduced their staff from 175 to 80 employees; meanwhile, her pay doubled to $250,000 in 2008 and $322,056 in total compensation in 2011. [Read more…]

Today during a radio interview, Gary Peters said that he supports cap-and-trade and that Congress should take another look at a cap-and-trade program: [Read more…]

At the only Democrat primary debate Michelle Nunn attended, she made her position on the Veterans Affairs scandal clear. She would not be calling on Secretary Shinseki to resign. [Read more…]

UPDATE: Grimes followed up her dodge on ObamaCare by … dodging again and then claiming if she had been in the Senate, it would have been a different law. [Read more…]