#FeelTheBern: Bernie Sanders Draws Larger Crowds Than Clinton In Des Moines

Category: AR PAC

Last week, Kay Hagan D-NC addressed the League of Conservation Voters and declared that EPA regulations on greenhouse gases were “key” to protecting the environment. [Read more…]

A day after the Obama Administration announced new EPA regulations on our nation’s power providers, many Kentuckians are worried they could be losing their jobs because of the strict new rules.

As this WBKO story above notes, these job-killing regulations will affect multiple industries in Kentucky. [Read more…]

In light of the Obama EPA’s new regulations that will hurt coal plants in Kentucky, Alison Lundergan Grimes opted for the profile in courage award by declining to say whether she would vote for legislation that would block the EPA’s regulations on coal. Sounds like the fighter Kentucky has been waiting for.

Natalie Tennant is at it again, showing West Virginia voters how incompetent she is as Secretary Of State. Over the weekend it came to light that Tennant’s office had posted multiple social security numbers on the Secretary Of State’s website. [Read more…]

In an interview today with Hoppy Kercheval on MetroNews, Nick Casey (D-WV) said when he supported Obama for president in 2008 no one could have known he would have an ideological drive against coal. Unfortunately for Casey, Hoppy has heard that line before from Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) and was prepared to push back [Read more…]

In response to today’s newly-proposed rule from the Obama administration to limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) announced he would be co-sponsoring a bill to block the EPA’s proposed limits. [Read more…]

This morning, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki offered his resignation to President Obama. The resignation came after more than 100 members of Congress in both parties called for Shinseki to step down, in light of the growing problems facing the Department of Veterans Affairs. [Read more…]

While speaking at a candidate forum, New Mexico Democrat gubernatorial candidate Alan Webber attacked America’s first female Hispanic Governor, Susana Martinez, by saying “We need to send her back to wherever she really came from. I suspect it’s Texas.” [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton dumped the chapter on Benghazi from her upcoming book Hard Choices, to Politico, conveniently timed on a Friday in the hopes of getting it out of the way over the weekend before the book launch the week after next.

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Today, when asked if Secretary Shinseki should resign from the VA after an IG report detailed the severity of the scandal, Mark Pryor replied: “Not yet.” [Read more…]