Majority Of Democrats In New Hampshire Prefer Someone Other Than Hillary Clinton

Category: AR PAC

An excerpt from Hillary Clinton’s new memoir Hard Choices includes this line on her Iraq War vote: “I still got it wrong. Plain and simple.” That was an assertion Clinton struggled to make in her 2008 campaign and it cost her against Barack Obama.

On Benghazi she is offering similar reluctance.

Instead of taking responsibility for her mistakes on Benghazi,Clinton points fingers. The bipartisan report delivered by the Senate Homeland Security Committee singled out the State Department for blame. This committee and others have cited rising attacks on Western targets, including several on the Benghazi facility itself and security warnings from multiple U.S. intelligence agencies and our own ambassador as evidence the Clinton State Department should have taken action. Yet Clinton is unwilling to make a simple statement like she did on the now politically safer Iraq issue: “I got it wrong. Plain and simple.”

Less than 24 hours after Joni Ernst clinched the GOP nomination, the Braley campaign tried to deliver a swift hit against her. And boy did they whiff. Braley actually compared Ernst to a peep-less chick. Let’s say that again: Braley compared his female opponent to a chick.  [Read more…]

Politico is reporting that Alison Lundergan Grimes’ first paid ad included “a European male model pretending to be a coal miner.” The ad featuring the European model (wonder if it’s Hansel… he’s so hot right now) was part of a “six-figure campaign targeting coal country.” [Read more…]


Yesterday, Mary Landrieu said the new EPA emission rules were out of her jurisdiction as chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, when asked if she would use her perch atop the committee to push back on the new regulations. [Read more…]


Hillary Clinton and her allies have offered a lot of bluster about playing political games with Benghazi in the lead-up to her memoir Hard Choices.  One of her many super PACs – Correct The Record – which is led by long-time Clinton allies Burns Strider and Adrienne Elrod and founded by Clinton insider David Brock has pointed its finger at America Rising on a number of occasions. Shame on us (for offering the facts on Benghazi) they claim. (Over and over again in fact, shame seems to be the only argument on their news site).

Hillary Clinton got in the shaming mix herself in the Benghazi section of her book leaked to Maggie Haberman.

“I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It’s just plain wrong, and it’s unworthy of our great country.”

If there was any doubt that this Shame Game was all for show, Correct the Record head David Brock (whose group Bill Clinton raised money for) writes a column today on POLITICO titled: “How Democrats Can Win on Benghazi.

You see, the Clintons have decided that The Way To Win on Benghazi is to play the Shame Game and claim that any attempts to deliver the facts about Hillary’s failures is wrong.

The strategy might have been more effective had they not published the playbook on a website entirely devoted to politics. Its in the name. These are the tactics Clinton will use on her book tour to avoid accountability. You will be able to get the facts on Hillary’s record on Benghazi, rather than the Clinton spin from our e-book Failed Choices.


Today, Harry Reid blocked the Coal Country Protection Act put forth by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The bill would have reined in the EPA’s job-killing regulations on Kentucky’s energy producers, saving jobs and keeping energy prices affordable. [Read more…]

Was it…

a) the “worst attorney general the state of New Mexico has ever had” according to New Mexico’s Democrat Party chairman?

b) the candidate who wants to send America’s first Female Hispanic Governor, Susana Martinez, “back to wherever she really came from“? [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn supports reducing carbon emissions, even calls it “vital,” but she’s just not sure how Obama’s new EPA regulations will impact Georgia. [Read more…]

In a blog post titled, “My Thoughts On Today’s EPA Proposal,” Bill Clinton admitted that Obama’s new EPA regulations will kill jobs.

However, it is imperative that the states most reliant on coal to generate electricity and those with people who work in the coal industry be given ample resources to deal with any dislocation that occurs-not just for retraining, but for employment in the new businesses and jobs this rule will generate. They haven’t done anything wrong, and they have a right to be part of a better future.

While Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton hasn’t commented on Obama’s use of executive power, a review of the public record shows that she actually supports tougher regulation.

In 2009, Clinton said that the United States was “ready to embrace” cap-and-trade legislation that would cut carbon emissions 30 percent by 2025. Obama wants to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent five years later, in 2030.

Because Hillary’s end-goal year is five years earlier, states would have to take even more extreme measures to achieve the emissions cap. More jobs would be lost and energy prices would spike even more dramatically.