California Democrats Abandon Ami Bera

Category: AR PAC

Keystone Hillary Clinton

The National Journal has reviewed Hillary Clinton’s 650+ page book and one word doesn’t appear: The Keystone Pipeline. [Read more…]

Last week, The Washington Free Beacon raised questions on the accuracy of Michelle Nunn’s role in the founding of Hands On Atlanta. [Read more…]

In her interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Clinton was asked what she should have done more “personally” to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel in Benghazi. Clinton replied “I’m not equipped to sit and look at blue prints,” passing the buck to security professionals. [Read more…]

For our new anti-Hillary Clinton eBook, click HERE.  In an interview with Diane Sawyer, Hillary Clinton claimed that after the White House their family “ piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses.”  The “we struggled to get by” defense from a multi-millionaire might be tough to swallow for Americans actually struggling to pay their mortgage. [Read more…]

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Click HERE to see our eBook, Failed Choices.

Politico has the details on the new book.

“Hard Choices,” meet “Failed Choices.” The Republican opposition research group America Rising will release an e-book on Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department, describing her own book about her service as “spin” aimed at a presidential campaign.

The premise of the America Rising e-book is that Clinton “did not live up to the challenge” she faced when she became President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State, and that “her tenure is without a signature accomplishment and instead defined by her significant and tangible failures,” an official with the group said.

“At the end of Secretary Clinton’s tenure, there was no region in the world where our alliances were stronger or our enemies weaker thanks to Secretary Clinton’s diplomacy,” the book’s introduction states. “In her book and on a presidential campaign, she will spin, exaggerate, and lie to try to turn these failures into accomplishments. But no amount of whitewashing or political spin can protect her from her record.

“While the choices she faced may have been ‘hard,’ the results of these choices are what really matters. That is what America Rising will expose in Failed Choices and beyond.”

The e-book will have six chapters and an epilogue, intended as a pre-buttal to Clinton’s upcoming book tour and potential 2016 presidential campaign. The first chapter mocks how many countries she’s talked about visiting (112), and there are sections on Mideast policy, the Russian “reset” and the Arab Spring. But it is Benghazi that has galvanized her conservative critics the most.

In the past Natalie Tennant has decried the influence of lobbyists in DC. On her website right now, it actually says “Lobbyists and special interest insiders have too much power in Washington.” [Read more…]

WHAS’s Joe Arnold reports: “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the same Reid who has said coal is ruining our lives, was Alison Lundergan Grimes’ special guest Thursday morning at a campaign fundraiser.”

The gloves are coming off in Florida. Major Democrat donor John Morgan (he employs this guy) is blasting DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, calling her an “irritant” who is becoming “irrelevant.” [Read more…]

Looks like House Majority PAC is at it again. Last week, the Democrat PAC released an ad attacking Republican Doug Ose, who is challenging Democrat Rep. Ami Bera in California’s 7th district, for voting “to slash veterans’ benefits by $15 billion.”, however, picked apart the PAC’s claim, calling it “some 11-year-old baloney” [Read more…]


Bruce Braley is having a rough week. After Joni Ernst won the Republican nomination for Senate, Braley released an ad that compared Ernst to a peep-less chick. Not only was that ad panned as sexist, but it turns out it’s also not even factual. [Read more…]