Wisconsin Front Pages: Russ Feingold’s PAC Hypocrisy

Category: AR PAC

America Rising wanted to highlight reviews of Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices, but there are so many bad reviews we had trouble picking just one! As Politico‘s Lucy McCalmont said, “Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, ‘Hard Choices,’ was met with resounding disappointment from critics, who wrote the book lacked any news or revelatory insight into the former secretary’s life or career, suggesting Clinton is playing it safe ahead of a much-speculated 2016 bid.” Below are just two of the reviews that suggest that Hard Choices should be seen as a campaign rollout, rather than a memoir of what Hillary Clinton accomplished at the State Department
(perhaps the reason it’s not a memoir of accomplishments is because as many have pointed out, she didn’t accomplish anything?)

Writing in Time, Michael Scherer points out:

Without the reality of a coming candidacy, the rest of the book just doesn’t make any sense. This is a campaign book, written by a candidate (via her speechwriters), processed through a political machine, and delivered to the public with the contradictory goals of depicting the author as a decisive leader and not betraying any evidence of leadership that would turn a voter off. . . .

Clinton has made the hard choice to hide any details of the hardest choice to come in a book she calls Hard Choices. It’s exactly what candidates do-when they are preparing campaigns.

In The Washington Post , David Ignatius argues:

“Hard Choices” begins and ends in the empty voice of a campaign speech. . . . This is a careful book, written tactically to burnish friendships and avoid making enemies. Perhaps that’s inevitable for an autobiographer who is considering running for president, but there are times when the reader feels he is being “spun” rather than enlightened.

Be sure to check out Politico for a complete listing of the bad reviews (so far!)


Last night, Nevada Democrats selected their candidate for governor. The big winner? “None of these candidates.”

Apparently so disgusted with their human choices, Democrats chose to nominate “None of these candidates” to carry the party banner. None put together an impressive campaign, pulling in more than 20,000 votes (30 percent!). [Read more…]

On NBC’s Today Show, Hillary Clinton defended the Obama administration’s prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, arguing that the five Taliban commanders that were released are “not a threat to the United States.”

But this morning, The Wall Street Journal reports that U.S. intelligence officials predicted at least two of the prisoners “were likely to assume active roles within the Taliban, while only one of the five released detainees was considered likely to end active participation in the group’s effort.”

Before the U.S. transferred five Afghan Taliban detainees to secure the freedom of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, American intelligence officials predicted that two of the men would return to senior positions with the militant group, according to U.S. officials.

The classified assessment, a consensus of spy agencies compiled during the prisoner-swap deliberations, said two others of the five were likely to assume active roles within the Taliban, while only one of the five released detainees was considered likely to end active participation in the group’s effort to undermine the elected government of Afghanistan.

In an interview with NBC News, Hillary Clinton said she kept private notes about the attack in Benghazi. When asked if she would turn them over to the select committee she responded dismissively: “They can read it in my book.”


MCFADDEN: You write in great detail in the book about what was happening in Benghazi as it evolved. Did you keep a diary during your time?

CLINTON: I kept a lot of notes.

MCFADDEN: If the committee wants your notes, would you turn those over?

CLINTON: They can read it in the book. Let’s see whether this is on the level or not because that really matters to me. I don’t want to be part of something which, in any way, politicizes or demeans the sacrifice that we saw happen there.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) went on MSNBC this afternoon to tell America that the Taliban are not terrorists:

“To say that they are terrorists, at this point, is not necessarily accurate.”


Remember Democrat Gary King? He’s the one who was dubbed as New Mexico’s ” worst Attorney General” and who is the Democrats’ nominee for governor.

[Read more…]

Last week, Harry Reid held a fundraiser for Alison Lundergan Grimes Senate campaign. Before the funder, Grimes had promised that she would use the event to express how “livid” she was over Obama’s new EPA regulations. [Read more…]

Alison Lundergan Grimes has claimed that she would be an independent voice unafraid to stand up for Kentucky. But when push came to shove and Grimes had her chance to deliver a clear-cut message to Harry Reid on coal at their D.C. fundraiser last week like she promised, Grimes failed to deliver. [Read more…]


Mary Landrieu is railing against Obama’s new EPA rules on carbon emissions in an effort to portray herself as a Senator who will stand up to anti-energy Democrats. Louisiana voters shouldn’t be fooled. [Read more…]

In defending the millions she’s made giving speeches before companies with business before the federal government, Hillary Clinton said giving paid speeches is a “much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who leave public life do.” [Read more…]