SHOT/CHASER: Q Poll Shows Swing State Voters Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton, Despite Her Campaign Manager’s Claim

Category: AR PAC

In an interview this afternoon on NPR, Hillary Clinton gets testy and defensive about her and her husband’s gay marriage record.

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Yesterday, The Des Moines Register asked Bruce Braley why he flip-flopped on the Keystone pipeline back in 2013. Braley told The Register that changing his mind is what Iowans expect. [Read more…]

Alaska’s at-large member in the U.S. House of Representatives Don Young had some choice words for Mark Begich taking credit for things that he may not have done. Young’s comments about Begich’s propensity to embellish and self-promote warrants closer scrutiny of what Begich says to the public. [Read more…]

Today, Hillary Clinton claimed to be a fierce opponent of debt, saying she didn’t believe in debt “to a fault.”

This comes days after the frugal former First Lady Clinton complained that she was “not only dead broke but in debt” when leaving the White House and “struggled” to piece together funds for “mortgages for houses.”

And after years of supporting and praising President Obama’s fiscal and economic policies, which have increased the national debt by over $7 trillion.


In his latest campaign ad, Nick Rahall claims he opposed cap-and-trade and is fighting the EPA’s efforts to kill West Virginia coal jobs.

What Rahall left out of his ad was any mention of his long record of cap-and-trade happy talk, like when, in 2009, Rahall said cap-and-trade wouldn’t hurt West Virginia: [Read more…]

In contrast to the panning of Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices that we point to here, America Rising’s e-book on the Clinton State Department, Failed Choices has been highlighted by reviewers as a valuable resource ahead of a 2016 campaign. According to Emma Roller in National Journal, Failed Choices  “serves as a playbook for how conservatives may attack Clinton on her foreign policy record, come 2016.” She goes on: 

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. . . . America Rising PAC puts forth a more refined argument in its book: Clinton put the wheels in motion that eventually led to the embassy attack. “It was this unraveling of the government of Libya and the country’s violent descent into jihadist control that serves as the backdrop for the events leading up to the tragic terrorist attacks in Benghazi on September 11, 2012,” the authors write.

Clinton Inc. . . . But in Failed Choices, the authors go beyond that depiction, calling Hillary Clinton a “salesperson for select U.S. business interests” by using “economic statecraft.” The authors highlight a few shady deals, implying pay-to-play. Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide (and Anthony Weiner’s long-suffering spouse), did not disclose that she worked for the consulting firm Teneo while she was still working for Clinton. The book also notes that Boeing donated $2 million to a Shanghai Expo, possibly violating the State Department’s code of ethics. The defense company also donated $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2010. Boeing isn’t the only big-name contractor the book goes after; another one is a name you may not have heard in awhile: Blackwater. Despite Clinton’s pledge to ban Blackwater from government contracts when she ran for president in 2008, the State Department continued to employ the company (after it changed its name to Academi).

Dustin Hawkins at also has good things to say about Failed Choices:

For those actually seeking insight into Hillary’s tenure there is an alternative read: Failed Choices, a new e-book created by the brains behind America Rising. And when compared to Hillary’s “contrived” and “newsless” “campaign mumbo-jumbo,” Failed Choices clocks in at 5% the cost, a fraction of the pages, and at least 50 times more informative.

Coming in at 112 pages of solid information, Failed Choices is an important read for conservatives ready to combat Hillary’s inevitable presidential campaign. With no accomplishments to point to as either First Lady or as a US Senator, the Clinton team will try to portray her time as head of the State Department as a success. While many conservatives are familiar with many of her failures, Failed Choices delivers the full picture of Hillary’s failures. The topics contained in this book will be mostly avoided by team Clinton. Why? Because the easiest choice they have is to ignore them.

If you haven’t yet,  head over to to read America Rising’s Failed Choices!

Last night Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller presided over his third primary election with under 20 percent turnout since taking office in 2007.

It wasn’t the lowest turnout in Nevada since 1962, that record is held by Ross’ first primary election in 2008.

The candidate for Attorney General was being self deprecating on twitter throughout primary day:


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Today, The Denver Post reported that Colorado will be implementing an ObamaCare Tax to support the state’s exchange: [Read more…]


The Alison Lundergan Grimes campaign is caught in another lie this morning.

Last week, campaign spokesman Charly Norton told Politico that Grimes was fundraising with outspoken coal opponent Harry Reid. But not to worry, Norton told Politico, Grimes was “livid” about President Obama’s new EPA rules, [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn’s “campaign” for Senate officially passed the parody stage in an interview with the Guardian when she refused to weigh in on whether Obama or Bush was a better President.

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