CNN: Hillary Clinton Has A Trustworthiness Problem In Key Battleground States

Category: AR PAC

Today, Mark Udall showed the voters of Colorado once again that he will side with environmentalists and Obama over jobs. [Read more…]

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A terrorist attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility resulted in the deaths of multiple Americans. Before the attack, an Ambassador’s requests for more security  were denied. The year was 1998. [Read more…]

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll discovered that only 38 percent of voters [Read more…]

By now you have probably heard of the “worst Attorney General” in New Mexico’s history, Gary King. He is the one who paid female attorneys less and has used false documents to prosecute Medicaid fraud. Just recently, Democrats nominated King to run for governor, a move they have probably come to quickly regret. [Read more…]

Slam Dunk GifThe democratic challenger for the Iowa Governorship, Jack Hatch, was all set to announce his pick for Lt. Governor when Republican Incumbent Gov. Terry Branstad did it for him. [Read more…]

While sitting down with her former speechwriter Lissa Muscatine, Hillary Clinton said she was “totally done with being really careful about what to say” and claimed it was ” liberating” to speak her mind. Yet the “liberated” Hillary seems a lot like the old cautious Hillary. The Week calls it her authenticity problem. Time notes that “Hard Choices” actually avoided many hard choices.

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When speaking to Colorado Sheriffs on Friday, Governor John Hickenlooper was asked “why he didn’t listen to the state’s top law enforcement officers” on gun legislation as much as he listened to then-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Hickenlooper responded by saying, “Well, let’s, let’s stick to the facts. I never talked to Mayor Bloomberg.” [Read more…]

In an interview today with the Poughkeepsie Journal editorial board, Sean Eldridge finally admitted that he would have voted for ObamaCare.

POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL: “The other thing on your website I noticed about the Affordable Care Act, or actually you don’t mention it in particular, but you say we need to fix and improve the healthcare system. So, do you support the Affordable Care Act? Was that a good—would you have supported that if you were in Congress at the time?”

ELDRIDGE: “I would have. I think we need to improve it. But yes, look, we had about a million people sign up in New York State for the exchanges, which I think speaks to the demand, the need for health care. You know, I believe in a universal right to access health care for yourself and your family. I think the Affordable Care Act has been far from perfect. I certainly support the fact that young people can stay on their health insurance longer, that pre-existing conditions no longer mean you have to go bankrupt, but there’s definitely a lot of frustration with some of the unintended consequences. I think the fact that people are having their hours cut in some cases because the employers are doing that in some cases so they don’t have to provide coverage. That’s an issue; we need to look at those hours. Some members of the labor community are frustrated because the Taft-Hartley plans, the multi-employer plans, aren’t receiving the same subsidies that they expected they would. So let’s work to improve it. I would not vote, I think it’s 51 times now, that Congressman Gibson has voted to repeal it. We’ve wasted a lot of energy and a lot of taxpayer dollars to have 51 votes that aren’t going anywhere. Let’s work to improve it. Let’s work to make sure that health care is a reality for our families. We’re not there yet, there’s more work to do.”

This comes as a surprise, given that Eldridge has dodged this question in the past:

True to his otherwise circumspect approach, however, Eldridge declined to say whether he would have voted for the bill, knowing what he does now about its implementation, had he been a member of Congress in 2010.

“It’s impossible to speculate on something when I wasn’t there and wasn’t in the room and didn’t have an opportunity to vote on it,” he said. “But what I would say now moving forward is that I would not vote more than 40 times, as my opponent has, to repeal the Affordable Care Act.”

Today, at an event in Toronto, Hillary Clinton spoke about the conflict in Syria and her support for the President’s “red line” on Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons.

Then she claimed that President Obama’s decision to seek congressional authorization before enforcing his red line was “his and his alone,” implying she did not support it, distancing herself from the controversial move, seen as political at the time.

The problem is at the time of the debate in September 2013, Clinton came out in support of Obama’s effort to seek a congressional vote.

“Secretary Clinton supports the president’s effort to enlist the Congress in pursuing a strong and targeted response to the Assad regime’s horrific use of chemical weapons,” says a statement from a Clinton aide sent to USA TODAY. The aide was not authorized to speak publicly.


Over the weekend, Massachusetts Democrat delegates held their party convention, and it wasn’t good for Coakley. Not only did she fail to come in first, she barely inched out a second place finish over a first-time candidate. State Treasurer Steve Grossman pulled in 35% of the vote, Coakley received 23% and Don Berwick received 22%. [Read more…]