Watchdog Journalist: Feingold Susceptible To Hypocrite Attacks Over Use Of PAC

Category: AR PAC


The Boston Globe reported this morning that Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is refusing to answer questions about the possibility that she and her husband, William, benefited from stimulus money she advocated for as a U.S. Senator. [Read more…]

Bill Clinton came to the defense of Hillary Clinton amidst criticism of her out of touch comments about being “dead broke” after leaving the White House and currently are unlike the “truly well off” because of their tax payments.

Former President Clinton argued that they were not out of touch since they “talk to people in their town” in ritzy Chappaqua New York, the 40th wealthiest town in America with a median income of over $160k. He also volunteered that they “go to the grocery store” and that he had the “lowest net worth” of any 20th Century President when he took office.

The 1% bubble they are living in might be even thicker than we first imagined.


BILL CLINTON: “I think I had the lowest net worth of any American president in the 20th century when I took office. But I still could have been tone deaf. And, you know, now I don’t. And we’ve got a great life and I’m grateful for it. But I still, we go to our local grocery store on the weekend. We talk to people in our town. We know what’s going on. 


How do you know if you’re an ineffective Senator for your state? Ask Mark Begich.

Oh sure, Begich rolls out TV ads that tout how he’s getting things done for Alaska, but as Alaska Rep. Don Young pointed out recently, Begich is taking credit for other people’s work. [Read more…]

It is being reported that on July 14 Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts will come to West Virginia to help out her friend and fellow liberal Natalie Tennant: [Read more…]

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In a devastating Washington Post article that covered how Democrats are wary that the Clintons “imperial image” could damage Hillary’s 2016 campaign, there were several damning quotes from Democrats worried she projects more “Downton Abbey” than everyday America. [Read more…]

Business Insider’s Hunter Walker flags a jaw-dropping claim by Hillary Clinton, that despite more than $150 million in earnings since leaving the White House, and being declared the richest former first family still living, that in fact the Clintons aren’t “truly well off,” because they “pay ordinary income tax.” It was just this past week that Bloomberg reported the Clintons are employing residence trusts, a tax strategy employed by wealthy individuals, to avoid the estate tax.

Clinton adds “we’ve done it through dint of hard work,” such as Chelsea Clinton’s special correspondent deal where she’s paid $26,724 per minute of airtime or Bill Clinton’s more than $100,000,000 in speaking fees, or multi-million dollar advances for autobiographies. This comes a mere week after headlines mocked Hillary’s claim of being “dead broke” after leaving the White House in 2001.

Clinton responded to criticism of her wealth in an interview with the Guardian newspaper published Saturday night by suggesting Americans won’t be concerned about the more than $100 million her family has reportedly earned in recent years because they’re not “truly well off.”

“They don’t see me as part of the problem,” Clinton said of Americans who are upset about income inequality, adding, “Because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work.”

Clinton earned an $8 million advance for her 2003 book “Living History” and her publisher is rumored to have paid “significantly more” for “Hard Choices.” Additionally, Clinton reportedly earns $200,000 in speaking fees each time she makes a speech. Bill Clinton has reportedly made over $100 million in speaking fees since leaving office.

Earlier this month, Clinton caused controversy when she said she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, were “dead broke” when he left the White House in 2000 and subsequently “struggled” to buy homes and pay for their daughter, Chelsea’s, education. Chelsea Clinton’s wealth also made headlines earlier this month after Politico reported she earned a $600,000 salary as a “special correspondent” for NBC News, a sum Business Insider noted seems to amount to $26,724 for each minute she was on air

Today, Talking Points Memo reported that donor Kareem Ahmed, a major Democrat donor, was indicted this week by an Orange County, CA grand jury. Ahmed’s offices were raided by the California District Attorney’s office in October 2013, though the original reason for the investigation was unknown. [Read more…]

UPDATE: Rahall’s ad received Four Pinocchios from The Washington Post’s Fact Checker. The Post’s  Glenn Kessler said Rahall “should be ashamed of this ad”: [Read more…]

Kevin-StrouseEarlier this week, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Kevin Strouse received large out-of-state donations from people who have never given money to campaigns outside their home states or admitted to not even knowing Strouse. At the same time, Strouse’s parents gave matching donations to candidates in those states. [Read more…]

America Rising PAC

America Rising PAC