Shhhh… America Rising Tracker Still In Kay Hagan’s Head

Category: AR PAC

grimes warren

Today Elizabeth Warren is campaigning in Kentucky for Alison Lundergan Grimes, erasing any doubt that Grimes would be anything but a down the line liberal Democrat were she to be in the United States Senate. The above image – or one like it – is sure to adorn Republican campaign material this Fall.

Trying to avoid Warren’s liberal baggage, the Grimes campaign attempted to make the event about college affordability and managed to step into more liberal Warren hypocrisy.

While Warren was a professor at Harvard, she made over $400k from 2010-2011 at a time when the school was increasing tuition. A recent study by the New England Center for Investigative Reporting covered by The Huffington Post  showed that its high administrative costs that is driving up tuition. Adding on celebrity professors like Warren bringing down hundreds of thousands to only teach a few classes adds to the problem.

Before she entered electoral politics and saw the political convenience of this as an issue, Warren herself recognized this.

Liberals, for their part, regularly call on taxpayers to foot more of the bill. But taxpayers are paying more. … How much more are taxpayers supposed to pay? Are state governments supposed to write a blank check for higher education, allowing universities to increase costs with abandon?

This sort of hypocrisy is nothing new for Alison Grimes, a candidate who won’t even admit she’ll support Harry Reid for Majority Leader while she accepts cash from him in closed door fundraisers.


Hillary Clinton Sebelius

Over the weekend, embattled former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Hillary Clinton would “step on the gas” when it came to implementing Obamacare. While serving in the President’s Cabinet, Sebelius was in charge of implementing the Affordable Care Act – a colossal technological failure that wasted hundreds of millions of dollars. In addition, premiums for Americans around the country have skyrocketed and support for the law is at an all time low; an Associated Press-GfK poll found that only 28 percent of Americans support the law while 43 percent disapprove of it.

Hillary Clinton is, of course, famous for attempting to pass her own version of health care reform in the mid-1990s. Dubbed HillaryCare, Clinton’s plan served as the base for Obamacare and faced a similar criticism – Hillary did not consult Republicans or key stakeholder groups when crafting the policy. Clinton was also instrumental in getting the Obama Cabinet on board with Obamacare this time around.

Given that background, it will be hard for Clinton to convince voters that Secretary Sebelius’ assessment isn’t spot on.

The Los Angeles Times has a chilling piece on how following the U.S. intervention in Libya, the government has all but collapsed the country has “turned into the kind of place U.S. officials most fear: a lawless land that attracts terrorists, pumps out illegal arms and drugs and destabilizes its neighbors.”

Immediately after the NATO-backed intervention in 2010, Hillary Clinton, who was its most important proponent within the administration, crowed that “we set into motion a policy that was on the right side of history, on the right side of our values, on the right side of our strategic interests in the region,” and allies have cited her role as a key success.

The story below shows Clinton has been prematurely spiking the football, as Libya has devolved toward a failed state that harbors terrorists, destabilizes the region and undermines U.S. national security.


But in three years Libya has turned into the kind of place U.S. officials most fear: a lawless land that attracts terrorists, pumps out illegal arms and drugs and destabilizes its neighbors. …

Arms trafficking from Libya “is fueling conflict and insecurity — including terrorism — on several continents,” an expert panel reported to the United Nations Security Council in February. Weapons smuggled out of Libya have been used by insurgents in Mali, by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria and by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. …

Obama was initially reluctant to order the intervention, as were several top lieutenants, including former Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. Gates didn’t want to thrust overstretched U.S. forces into a potentially long war over a fractured society, and at one point he threatened to quit over it, he recalled in his memoir, “Duty.” But the move was supported by Rice and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who feared a looming humanitarian catastrophe. Clinton was the swing vote, Gates wrote. …

Last month, Clinton was asked at a Council on Foreign Relations event why the United States didn’t do more to mend Libya, since the U.S.-led military campaign had broken the old order.

“We did try,” she said. “That is a perfect case where people who’ve never had that opportunity to run anything, manage anything, even participate in meaningful politics, understandably are not even sure what questions to ask.”

Some observers are warning that the administration eventually may be forced to do more. A Rand Corp. report this spring predicted that if Libya’s problems continue to worsen, another NATO intervention might be required. …

Clinton T-Shirt

Hillary Clinton is so out of touch that she claims she and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the White House, despite having two multimillion dollar mansions. What?!

Don’t you wish you were as “broke” as Hillary and Bill?

If you contribute just $25, we’ll send you a “Wish I Was As Broke As The Clintons” shirt and add in a matching bumper sticker for free! Hillary probably won’t want the sticker, because she hasn’t driven a car since 1996.

CLICK HERE to get yours!

How quickly they forget.

In video released today by NBC News from David Gregory’s interview of Bill Clinton, the former President attacked Iraq war supporters such as Vice President Cheney for the current crisis in the country.

Of course as a Senator, Hillary Clinton was famously a proponent of the war, voting for the 2002 use of force resolution, saying it was “in the best interests of our nation.”

And in 2003, on the eve of the invasion, Bill Clinton was briefed on Iraq War planning and told the Bush White House he supported the invasion. In fact in a 2004 interview with Time Magazine, Bill Clinton said has “repeatedly defended President Bush against the left on Iraq” and “supported the Iraq thing.”


Today the Supreme Court of the United States overturned a Massachusetts buffer zone law that Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office was defending. The Court found that the law, which requires protesters to stand more than 35 feet from abortion clinics, unconstitutionally limits certain types of speech. [Read more…]

Last year, Rick Nolan went on MSNBC and railed against money in politics. He called it “toxic” and noted that Democrats have told him to spend 30 hours each week “dialing for dollars.” Nolan claimed he’s above it, calling it “distasteful” and stating he’s in DC “to govern.” [Read more…]

Yesterday, the Chicago Sun Times reported that Gov. Pat Quinn’s “scandal-tainted” Neighborhood Recovery Initiative is yet again embroiled in scandal. [Read more…]

They just can’t help themselves. One day after defending Hillary Clinton as “not out of touch” after she said her family was “dead broke” after leaving the White House and currently are unlike the “truly well off” because of their tax payments, Bill Clinton laughed about buying over a dozen watches at a Detroit watchmaker last month, saying he gives them away.

Last month, Crain’s Detroit profiled Bill Clinton’s trip to Detroit watchmaker Shinola, where Clinton bought nine of them which retail at $550.

Bill Clinton is a fan of Shinola watches.

The 42nd president and founder of the Clinton Foundation owned two of the timepieces before being presented with a third today while touring Shinola’s Detroit headquarters and factory inside the College of Creative Studies’ Alfred A. Taubman Building.

So what does a stylish past president wear?

The 47mm Runwell, which retails for $550.

Long-time Nevada political journalist Jon Ralston weighed in on Hillary Clinton’s $225,000 speaking fee from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV). Calling the fee “obscene, grotesque [and] revolting,” Ralston asks, “does anyone out there think it’s worth paying Clinton almost a quarter-mil to hear her speak?”

[Read more…]