Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Encouraged Supporters To Engage With Website – Few Did

Category: AR PAC

During a recent interview, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (D-NY) highlighted attacks Democrat challengers plan to use against Republican incumbents, including criticizing members for enjoying Congressional “perks” not available to the general public. Israel cites, for example, the Congressional gym remaining open during the Government shutdown in October 2013, allowing members to continue their workouts (Hi, Bruce Braley).

Except it turns out that Israel, who once called the House gym “the most competitive but civil place on the Hill,” actually used the gym during the shutdown. As the New York Daily News reported:

“Still, Long Island Democratic Rep. Steve Israel, who worked as a congressional staffer in the ’80s, recalls ‘people actually rooting for compromise. Now compromise is viewed as a betrayal.’ He swears that in the House gym when he asked a Tea Party congressman why he wouldn’t compromise, he was told, ‘I wasn’t elected to compromise.’”

Seems like using the Congressional gym might not be the perk Israel and other Democrats are actually willing to give up. Just last week, President Barack Obama highlighted Rep. Tim Walz’ (D-MN) use of the gym during a Steve Israel-headed DCCC campaign fundraiser in Minneapolis:

“Couple other people who are carrying on that tradition who are here and I just want to acknowledge very quickly … And Congressman Tim Walz is here. (Applause.) Tim is getting a little too slim. (Laughter.) He’s been working out too much, given that house gym a run for its money. We also have somebody who has a thankless job and does it extraordinarily well, and that is the head of the DCCC, and we’re very grateful to him, Steve Israel. (Applause.)”

So it’s ok, Steve. You can keep pumping that iron. The President says it’s cool.



The progressive blog DownWithTyranny broke the news this morning that Sean Eldridge fired his campaign manager, presumably in a disagreement over bagels.  [Read more…]


The Washington Examiner reported today on a “scathing” report from the Inspector General that details the excessive spending for renovations to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Washington headquarters. The costs of the renovations, originally priced at $55 million, have nearly quadrupled to $215 million.

Who could have possibly known the budget would grow to almost 4 times its original size? House Republicans, it turns out. That didn’t stop House Dems from rejecting a bill that would have reformed the CFPB and subjected its budget to the regular appropriations process.

Several vulnerable House Democrats had no interest in applying that kind of accountability and scrutiny to the agency, and now taxpayers are left footing the bill for this outrageous wasteful spending.


For the average American family it’s a time of austerity and stretching every dollar. For the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in D.C., it’s time for a $216 million renovation to its headquarters coming in at a greater cost per square foot than the Bellagio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. [Read more…]


UPDATE: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last week that in 2010, Nunn and her husband paid a tax rate of 13.2 percent. That’s even lower than the already-low 13.6 percent she reported paying in 2013. [Read more…]

Sean Eldridge, husband of Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, is running for Congress in New York’s 19th Congressional District. [Read more…]

New Mexico’s “worst Attorney General”-turned gubernatorial candidate, Democrat Gary King, is continuing to stun voters with his ineptitude. [Read more…]

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Gov. Pat Quinn’s anti-violence initiative has been a scandal-plagued disaster. Last week, it was revealed Quinn gave more than $15,000 to a re-entry program for teens and young adults to help them adjust to society life. That program never existed. [Read more…]

This weekend, Charlie Crist traveled to Nantucket to attend a ritzy Democrat fundraiser. While hobnobbing with the Democrat elite, Politico reports Crist “complained” about the heat at the event (it reached a “balmy” 72 degrees there on Saturday), lamenting the lack of air conditioning: [Read more…]